“Beyond Tough Talk: Reflection and Action as an Activist Scholar” – Fri, 3/4 – pls RSVP

The Graduate School and the Office of the Dean of Diversity and Student Affairs would like to cordially invite you to a provocative conversation with Dr. David Stovall. Dr. Stovall will be giving a talk on Friday March 4th titled “Beyond Tough Talk: Reflection and Action as an Activist Scholar”. His talk will center on how contemporary youth movements (such as Black Lives Matter, Black Youth Project 100, Dream Defenders, Love and Protect, Immigrant Youth Justice League, etc.), operate within a context of community resistance to systems of racialized oppression and violence, ultimately urge educators and community leaders alike to move beyond tough talk. Dr. Stovall is Professor of Educational Policy Studies and African-American Studies at the University of Illinois at Chicago. He has written extensively about race, racism, and the role of community in creating transformative schools. Please click here to learn more about Dr. Stovall and his work.

Dr. Stovall’s talk will be held on Friday March 4th from 1-2:30pm at Kane Hall Room 225 (Walker Ames). Please click here to RSVP by Friday March 4th  by 12pm.

beyond tough talk


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