Call for submissions: Health Equity Reflection Contest – due May 6th

Are you passionate about health equity and engaged in community settings where you are seeking to address health disparities?  Do you enjoy expressing yourself through art, music, film, poetry, photography, or other creative forms?

If so, this is your chance to enter a submission into the Health Equity Reflections Contest, which encourages you to combine your passions and share your reflections with a broader audience!

Extended: Submissions Due May 6, 2016 at 5:00 PM (PST)

How it works:

  • Regularly engage in self-reflection on your community-based volunteer/work experiences.
  • Synthesize and summarize your self-reflections and experiences.
  • Create your reflection submission – encourage yourself to be creative and go beyond writing a paper: paint, draw, write a poem, write a song, capture compelling images, or film a video.
  • Submit your reflection to our office using catalyst, email, or drop it off at A-300 HSB.
  • Some candidates will get to present their work- Stay tuned for more information!
  • We’ve got prizes!  The top three winners will each receive $250 of funding which can be utilized to support attendance at a health equity themed conference OR put toward supporting a health equity focused student group initiative.
  • Things to remember:
    • Submissions must focus in some way on your personal engagements with health equity focused service learning, advocacy, or organizing.
    • Please be conscientious of patient or client confidentiality in your reflections.
    • Be creative! As long as you can figure out a way to share your reflection with us, we’re open to all forms of expression.

How to enter:

  • Fill out and submit the form below by May 6, 2016 at 5:00pm (PST).

Entry link:

  • Put the HSSLA Summit on your calendar – stay tuned for more information!
  • Wait for notification from the Summit Subcommittee about the status of your entry.
  • If selected, plan to share your entry at the Summit.

Because being a future health professional doesn’t mean relinquishing your humanity, sense of justice, or creativity! 

Questions? Please email David Fernando at


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