Summer Volunteer Opportunities in Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Nepal and India

Internship and Volunteer Placements

Counseling, Social Work, and Expressive Arts Therapy

 Available Year Round

Our NGO partners in India, Kenya and Ghana offer volunteers opportunities to help youth and women work through challenges and build self-esteem, in a safe, confidential and non-judgmental space.

Through volunteer-led talk, art therapy, writing or drama exercises, youth and women develop a new understanding of their emotions and sense of self-worth. We offer an immersive, meaningful, and safe volunteer experience. Village Volunteers works with students to create a tailored internship or volunteer opportunity that will meet their goals and academic requirements. Culturally appropriate curriculum is available.

We encourage students to take advantage of our expertise in finding the right placement. Call or write us for more information. Village Volunteers is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that works in partnership with NGOs in Africa and Asia to support sustainable solutions to community challenges. |

5100 S. Dawson Street, Suite 202 Seattle, WA 98118

Ph: 206.577.0515



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