LGBTQ Allyship Housing Leadership Institute

Join LGBTQ Allyship’s Housing Leadership Institute!!

Are you someone who is passionate about any of the following LGBTQ housing justice issues?

  • Gentrification and displacement
  • Senior housing
  • Youth homelessness
  • Affordable and community-owned housing
  • Housing discrimination

At Allyship, we believe everyone deserves to access a safe place, space, and community that feels like home! Housing justice is an essential piece of creating a sense of home – and we know that for too many in our communities, there are real barriers to having the basic things we need to survive, live with dignity, and thrive. We can do better, which means we need to get more LGBTQ people who’ve been directly impacted by unaffordable housing, displacement, homelessness, and discrimination to inform the next generation of policies, practices, and organizing approaches that will make the communities we’re part of safer and more livable!

If you are a person who is passionate about LGBTQ housing justice, we hope you’ll sign up to join our LGBTQ Housing Leadership Institute!   

What You’ll Learn: LGBTQ Allyship believes that in order to build strong communities we must have strong leaders. Through this institute, a cohort of 15 people will be trained in the following:

  • Civic engagement skills
  • Anti-Oppression Values
  • Allyship’s Theory of Change

You will:

  • Learn from housing experts from city and state government and from organizations doing the work at ground level.
  • Gain technical skills
  • Become familiar with public speaking, story sharing in all forms of media, event planning, story-collecting for advocacy, advocacy skills community-led resource gathering, mobilization, community organizing skills and an analysis around the connection between racism, classism, sexism, adultism and ageism.

Sign up today!

Who We Are Looking for:

1. 10 to 15 LGBTQ grassroot progressive advocates/activists
2. Ages 18 and up welcome, affected by housing instability (candidates under age 18 will be considered on a case by case basis!)
3. A commitment of (6) 5-hour training dates plus a 3-hour orientation
4. Ability to volunteer 5 to 7 hours a month
5. Ability to attend all trainings, planning meetings and social Gatherings (some exceptions allowed)
6. An open mind and a willingness to learn to be a better ally, advocate for LGBTQ youth and elders issues and approach work from an intersectional lens

History & Funding
This is our 3rd Leadership Institute, and we are able to offer this training for free due to individual donors, and private grants from the Pride Foundation and Communities of Opportunites.


Sign up or email Kelsen Caldwell at

Thank you, Verity Credit Union, for hosting our Leadership Institute Orientation this year!


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