Healthcare Equity Conference with UW Medicine – March 21st –

HQSC & UWNURF cordially invites you to join us for our first Joint Conference: Applying Quality Improvement Principles to Healthcare Equity 2018.  The goal of this meeting is to encourage interdisciplinary interaction of trainees interested in Healthcare Equity and QI, facilitate brainstorming of QI solutions and encourage the development of trainee-led projects to address Healthcare Equity within the UW system.

Pre-reading:  In preparation for this meeting, Dr. Flum suggested two great materials to review with the aim to have a more impactful session. We are attaching the UW Medicine blueprint ( with information regarding UW’s healthcare equity vision and strategies. In addition, please watch this well-researched and informative video ( that highlights the history of racism in healthcare.

Those who may be interested in attending include: 

  • Residents and Fellows
  • MPH students
  • Nursing students
  • Physician Assistant students
  • Medical students
  • Pharmacy students
  • Social work students

Event Schedule:

7:00-7:05pm Dinner & find seat

7:05-7:15pm Healthcare Equity & QI (Dr. Leo Morales, Chief Diversity Officer)

7:15-7:25pm UW Medicine Healthcare Equity Blueprint (Dr. David Flum, Associate Chief Medical Officer)

7:25-8:10pm Small group breakout sessions

8:10-8:30pm Small groups present their work to the whole group

Small Group Options (trainees will pick one when they RSVP):

  • Chronic Disease (Dr. Rudy Rodriguez)
  • End of Life (Dr. Erin Kross)
  • Infectious Disease (Dr. Paul Pottinger)
  • Injury Prevention (Dr. Monica Vavilala)
  • Language Access (Dr. Yvonne Simpson)
  • Surgery (Dr. David Flum)
  • LGBT (Dr. Corinne Heinen)

I hope that you are able to make it.  Feel free to email me if you have any questions.

RSVP for this event is greatly appreciated:


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