Let’s Talk: Mental Health for Veterans

Tuesday, May 22nd
11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.
HUB 214

Join Student Veteran Life for training and education around the unique mental health needs for student veterans on campus. This discussion will address mental health as a key issue impacting both undergraduate and graduate student veterans. Facilitated by Dr. Samantha Powers, Director of Student Veteran Life, this workshop aims to support staff and faculty in better understanding what their role is in supporting student veterans of concern. We will provide data regarding student veteran mental health, skill-building tips for staff, and time for an open discussion. Topics covered include:

  • Mental health as a factor that impacts student success, and it’s unique impacts on student veterans.
  • Skills for support students in a caring and appropriate way, including learning when and how to refer.
  • Available resources for staff to consult with on-campus regarding students of concern, including when students present with suicidal ideation.
  • Mental health resources available specifically for student veterans on-campus.

RSVP for this workshop is required and can be foundĀ here. Lunch to be provided by Student Veteran Life.


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