Autumn seminars in Innovation, 2 credits each (posted 9/20/18)

The Buerk Center has many ways for students to try their hand in entrepreneurship, and in fall quarter here are two ways to do just that!

(undergrads should register for 400 level credits, grads for 500 level credits.)

Register for Fall:  Two 2-credit classes

Open to all Undergraduate & Graduate students from any department. No experience necessary.

Environmental Innovation Practicum (2 credits) | Tuesdays | 4 to 5:50 pm (now CR/NC)

Cross-listed: ENTRE 443/543, ENGR 498A, ENVIR 495

In each weekly seminar, students will hear directly from the entrepreneurs solving some of the world’s most pressing environmental problems. Past speakers included Amanda Sturgeon, CEO International Living Futures Institute and Chad Frischmann, VP Project Drawdown. Students then form interdisciplinary teams and create project-based solutions while receiving coaching from environmental professionals and entrepreneurs. Excellent preparation for the Alaska Airlines Environmental Innovation Challenge. Questions? Email Cassie Maylor.

Health Innovation Practicum (2 credits) | Thursdays | 5 to 6:50 pm

Cross-listed: ENTRE 445/545

Students will hear inspiring guest speakers discuss the challenges every young business in healthcare or life sciences could face. By the end of the course students will have an awareness of the system of regulation of health technologies, the process of development, and the economics of healthcare. Great preparation for the Hollomon Health Innovation Challenge or healthcare careers. Questions? Email Terri Butler.


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