NCORE 2019 – Call for Presentations, Proposal Due 11/26/18

Dear NCORE Community Member,

We are hard at work on our 32nd National Conference on Race and Ethnicity in American Higher Education and we cannot wait for you to see what we have in store. In the meantime, we encourage you to join the conversation and submit a presentation proposal!

Presentations should pertain to the ongoing and emerging racial and ethnic social justice issues in today’s higher education institutions and beyond. Because NCORE is comprehensive in scope, we are looking for presentations that accomplish one or all of the following key objectives:

  • Facilitate constructive dialogue, understanding, and action around significant issues within or between significant conference constituencies, i.e. racial/ethnic groups, gender identity groups, students, faculty, affirmative action officers, student life personnel, professionals, geographical regions, and/or different types of higher education institutions.
  • Provide important insight, perspective, skills, tools, and strategies that foster action, solutions, and practical application.
  • Discuss efforts to create inclusive higher education environments, programs, and curriculum or expand opportunities for the educational access and success of culturally diverse and traditionally underrepresented populations. Efforts can be specific or comprehensive and in development or fully operational.
  • Highlight exemplary actions, programs, approaches, and models.
  • Cultivate nuanced intersectional understanding and build solidarity to make positive institutional advances.

Please refer to the Call for Presentations on the NCORE website to see suggested areas of emphasis, additional requested topics, and proposal submission details.

Submission Deadline:

Monday, November 26, 2018 (11:59 PM (PST))

Submit your proposal HERE

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