UCONJ 624: Interprofessional Community Organizing Course (1 credit) – posted 12/10

To all students interested in health equity and social justice:

  • Do you see things in the communities you work with and/or are a part of that you wish were different?
  • Do you want to help change the systems that produce health disparities?
  • Are you ready to take action?

Join experienced Sound Alliance community organizers and students from across the Health Sciences this fall in UCONJ 624. We will develop your skills in advocacy and community organizing for health equity. Participate in different campaigns that work upstream to address the social determinants of health.

  • Learn the fundamentals of advocacy, organizing, and their ability to impact health.
  • Apply skills, gain confidence, & collaborate around a community-driven goal.
  • Work with local leaders to engage in community driven listening campaigns.
  • Address the social & structural injustices that contribute to & perpetuate health disparities.

Course details:

UCONJ 624A, SLN: 21515
Winter quarter 2019
Thursdays 5:30-7:20pm
Classroom: TBD


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