Alternatives to Violence Project at UW, information school! – posted 2/21

I cordially invite you to an information session about becoming involved with Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) at University of Washington. Refreshments provided!

What is Alternatives to Violence Project?

AVP is a grassroots organization that conducts experiential workshops on increasing communication skills, resolving conflict, and building community. The workshops were developed by civil rights leader Bernard Lafayette, peace activists, and prisoners who had been relocated following the Attica prison riot in 1971. Workshops are now held in prisons, schools, and communities across the globe—including Rwanda, Guatemala, and right here in Seattle. AVP suffers a bit from a name problem, as it is beneficial for everyone—not just folks associated with physical violence.

This is an information session about becoming involved with AVP and, if you so desire, becoming a group facilitator for workshops in prisons and in the community.

Who would be interested in getting involved with AVP at UW?

Anyone who wants to…

  • Learn group facilitation skills
  • Increase their communication and conflict resolution skill
  • Work with individuals involved in the criminal justice system
  • Learn about an intervention to address the school-to-prison pipeline
  • Participate in transformative change

The information session will be on Monday March 4th at 6:30pm in Paccar Hall (the business school), room 192, from 6:30-7:30pm


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