Healthcare & Intersectionality with Dr. Lindo – 2/25

This will be a great opportunity to hear Dr. Edwin Lindo speak on how our current healthcare system impacts access to care across various populations based on race, sexual orientation, immigration status, among others. In addition, Dr. Lindo will be outlining how a Medicare for All system may positively or negatively impact these issues.

These are important topics to consider and discuss in light of the new Medicare-for-All bill that will be introduced [soon] by Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA-7).

Who: Anyone interested in healthcare disparities, intersectionality, Medicare for All, and healthcare reform
Speaker presentation & discussion with Dr. Edwin Lindo, Single Payer intro by SNaHP
Where: T-435
When: Monday, February 25th, 5:45-7:00 PM

Please RSVP here for food (Indicate any dietary restrictions!):

Because T-435 is not a zoom capable room, the event will not be streamed.


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