Betty Jane Narver Fellowship

Fellowship Opportunity!

The Betty Jane Narver Fellowship is a graduate level policy position within the Washington State Budget & Policy Center. The goal of the fellowship is to expand the diversity of voices, perspectives, and experiences that influence state policy. We are seeking candidates with experience with communities that are underrepresented in state policy debates who have an interest in working on policies that impact people with low and moderate incomes and communities of color. The fellowship is open to any currently enrolled graduate student in a college or university, and to recent graduates with a master’s degree or Ph.D.

To achieve our goal of training and supporting new voices in the policy arena, we are especially interested in candidates from diverse backgrounds. Bilingual and multilingual candidates are encouraged to apply.

The fellow will receive a stipend to total $7,800 over 6 to 9 months for a minimum of 360 hours, which can be scheduled around the fellow’s classes or other commitments. This position is not eligible for benefits.

If you are eligible to receive credit toward a degree or certificate for your academic program we are committed to working with you and your school to meet those requirements (hours and duration of the fellowship can be adjusted accordingly.)

The start date for the fellowship will be in October 2019. Read more about the fellowship and how to apply here


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