Education Intern
Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest has a unique and exciting internship opportunity to provide medically-accurate, comprehensive sexual health education in the high school, community, and college settings. This is an excellent position to gain experience in health education. The intern will receive extensive training and mentoring from our professional Community Outreach Educator and the education department. This is a six month internship that will take place October 2013 – March 2014. The position will be based at our Seattle office. We are seeking candidates who will be completing the internship as part of a college/graduate school project or for credit. Read more

Did you know that 50% the population in Kenya and South Africa live on less than $2 a day? Volunteer with Azma International and make a difference!

Azma International invites applAzmaFlyer2_Africaications to participate in one of three volunteer programs in Kenya, offered during winter break 2012, spring break 2013 and summer vacation 2013. Volunteers in these programs would work in one of seven program areas Read more

BEYOND HB1079 invites you to participate by attending the conference or through the many volunteer opportunities offered.

BEYOND HB 1079 CONFERENCE is a student-run conference that provides support to undocumented students, their parents and educators with awareness, empowerment and resources in the greater Seattle area. As the first of its kind in Washington State the conference has as a goal to provide a space for the advancing of educational opportunities for all students regardless of citizenship. In 2012 the first year of the conference, 200 attendees had the opportunity to participate in workshops, panels and open discussions. Due to the overwhelming success of last year we are expecting to increase the attendees’ capacity to 400 in 2013 Read more

Congratulations, Huskies! UW is the #1 Peace Corps School in the Nation!

Seniors: Apply Now for Late 2013 and Early 2014 Assignments
Make a difference in your life and in the lives of others.

Apply by February 28 for the best opportunity to match your skills to remaining assignment openings for 2013 and for priority consideration for assignments departing in early 2014.
Peace Corps volunteers work in education and English/ESL teaching; agriculture, forestry and environment; public health and HIV/AIDS and malaria prevention; community economic development; and youth in development. We look for applicants educated and skilled in these fields to fill thousands of available opportunities. Read more

FINAL 2013 Application Deadline:
Friday, February 15 – register and start your application today

Interested in Teach For America? Exploring opportunities for after graduation? Did you know the final application deadline for the 2013 TFA corps is in two weeks? This is your last chance to apply for this year’s corps. Keep your options on the table and submit an application by Friday, February 15.

Application requirements:

  • 1 page resume
  • 500 word letter of intent
  • Online application
  • References and preferences not required to apply Read more

Join us this year at the 2013 UW Environmental Career Fair!

Date: February 7, 2013
Time: 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Location: Mary Gates Hall Commons, UW Seattle Campus

The UW College of the Environment invites you to meet employers from environmental
organizations at the 2013 UW Environmental Career Fair. Registered employers
are filling jobs and internships in a wide range of industries, including
business, government agencies, and non-profit organizations. The Environmental
Career Fair is open to all majors and class levels from all three UW campuses
as well as alumni. Read more

The Peace Corps is looking for interested student volunteers this year for a fulfilling international service experience. Discover the Benefits of Peace Corps and attend one of our upcoming info sessions on campus.

Joint Info Session: Learn about Peace Corps, TFA, Americorps, and City Year

Tuesday, January 29. 6-7:30 pm @Thomson Hall, Room 125


Peace Corps over the years: Generations Panel

Tuesday, January 29. 6-7:30 pm @Thomson Hall, Room 125


Application Workshop: Tips for Success

Wednesday, February 13.  12:30-1:30 pm @Thomson Hall, Room 119 Read more

Intern in Seattle or Africa with UBL, a local development NGO!

UBL (Unboxed Lives) is a grassroots, non-profit organization founded in Seattle WA.  Our goal is to work with forward-thinking leaders in villages and communities in Africa and break the bonds of poverty.  Unboxed Lives engages in community projects, youth and women’s programs, as well as community project support.

Right now we are helping to establish a Rescue Center for abused and neglected children and a Community Medical Clinic in Kisumu, Kenya. We are looking for eager, enthusiastic individuals who ready to work together to empower communities to bring themselves out of poverty. We have many opportunities available from fundraising, media relations, event planning and even trips to Africa to visit communities we support (costs paid by students).

Info Session:

Tuesday, January 29

12:30 – 1:20pm Read more

Get Involved with Environmental Education & Sustainable Agriculture!
Intern & Volunteer Opportunities with Seattle Tilth
Seattle Tilth volunteers gain work experience in nonprofit organization, education, volunteer coordination, garden and farm stewardship and more. They have fun working in the community and contribute greatly to Seattle Tilth. Read on to learn more or visit our website.

The best way to get started in Seattle Tilth’s volunteer and intern program is by filing out a volunteer / intern registration form and then attending a volunteer orientation. To apply for an internship, click the link and follow the instructions there. Read more

We are looking for volunteers to help conduct surveys on Friday, January 25, 2013! Volunteers should have experience
working with people experiencing homelessness, or with veterans, and must be
able to attend a training before volunteering for a 3 hour shift during the day
on Friday, January 25, 2013.  Please click here to fill out a short volunteer survey. Read more

We are looking for volunteers to help conduct surveys on Friday, January 25, 2013! Volunteers should have experience working with people experiencing homelessness, or with veterans, and must be able to attend a training before volunteering for a 3 hour shift during the day on Friday, January 25, 2013.  Please click here to fill out a short volunteer survey. Read more

On Monday, January 21st, the University of Washington will be celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. with a Day of Service (and a day off from school). In honor of Dr. King, the UW
Carlson Center has partnered with the United Way of King County to coordinate over 90 service projects with organizations all over the local community. We would like to invite you to make that Monday a Day ON and take on a leadership role serving the local community and honoring Dr. King’s legacy.

We are still in need of about 47 people to serve as a Project Leader for the
Day of Service — it is a fairly minimal commitment, and a fantastic way to
connect with and serve the city (in addition to being a great experience to
share on applications or a resume). Read more


Access to information and communication technologies (ICTs) in Ghana ranges from no access in many rural areas to access comparable to some major US cities. What strategies do people with low incomes use to connect to others and get the information they need? How does this impact their lives? We can get answers to these questions through research and direct experience. Whether you are interested in the uses and impacts of ICTs on the lives of people in developing countries, or more generally in information and communication in another country or learning about how to do field research, this seminar is an opportunity to explore researched-based learning through immersion in the people and culture of Ghana. Read more

The cross-network/trans-NIH Institute Youth Prevention Working Group (YPRWG) is seeking a post doc or graduate student in a related field of study (e.g., social welfare, public health, sociology, psychology) familiar with the HIV clinical research landscape to review HIV prevention literature.

Research assistants would apply inclusion criteria developed by the YPRWG, help determine articles and measures appropriate for inclusion in a searchable database, and make metadata assignment recommendations.  The database will help the committee analyze the existing research imperatives, trial results, and protocols in development to identify gaps in the NIH HIV/AIDS scientific enterprise.   Read more

The Carlson Leadership & Public Service Center is pleased to present the new(ish) Public Service Opportunities Blog! Read more

The Education section of Figure/Ground Communications (, an interdisciplinary research website at the intersection of Media Studies, Humanities and Social Sciences and Education, is looking for volunteer collaborators to: 1) help with the expansion of the series into the largest repository of scholarly interviews on the web (past interviewees include Noam Chomsky, Simon Critchley, Henry Giroux and Douglas Kellner among other renowned thinkers), and 2) launch/coordinate our student-led scholarly magazine, to be launched in early 2013.

Duties include conducting and transcribing interviews with notable professors; researching conferences and calls for papers to publish to site; offering ideas for expansion of site; managing blog posts and reader contributions; and assisting with general editorial tasks. Senior undergraduates and graduate students may apply. All positions are unpaid, but collaborators will receive a profile on the site, full recognition for projects undertaken, and a letter of reference. Please submit resume to:

For more information about our project, read the Education sections’ editorial here: You can also download the websites feature article, “Figure/Ground Communication: The Meaning of Meaning is Relationship,” published by the University of Southern California’s International Journal of Communication:


Application Deadline:  February 8, 2013, 12 noon (PST)

The University of Washington Retirement Association has endowed a fellowship to support graduate students of outstanding academic merit who have a demonstrated academic and personal interest in aging-related issues or concerns.

This one-quarter fellowship will provide a monthly stipend equivalent to the PDTA 2 level (currently $1761/month), GAIP health insurance, and a waiver of state-tuition (except for U-PASS fee).  The fellowship must be used in 2013-14, but the choice of the quarter will be left to the discretion of the graduate student in consultation with his/her department.

At the time of application, students must be matriculated in a UW graduate degree tuition-based program and not in their last year of study.  (Students in fee-based programs are not eligible.)  The recipient of the award must be enrolled in full-time credits (at least 10) during the quarter in which he/she takes the fellowship.

Please see our website at for further information.  Detailed on that page are also the application requirements and process (statements, letters of recommendation, etc.) as well as criteria for selection.

The selected recipient(s) will be invited to attend the UWRA luncheon in late April.  They will also be asked to give an informal presentation to UWRA members on their research/academic and personal interests related to aging during the year of the award.

Questions regarding this opportunity may be directed to The Graduate School, Office of Fellowships and Awards, or 206-543-7152.


Advanced Clinical Social Work Fellowship The Yale Child Study Center is pleased to offer a one-year Advanced Clinical Social Work Fellowship to begin July 1st through June 30th of each year. The mission of this post-MSW graduate training program is to advance practice competency, professionalism, and leadership in the field of clinical social work. The Child Study Center is a multi-disciplinary department in the Yale School of Medicine that provides training, clinical services for children and families, and conducts research in child psychiatry and related disciplines. Social Work Fellows will participate in both multi-disciplinary and discipline specific training, which will include didactics, intensive supervision, and direct practice. Direct practice will occur in either the Outpatient Psychiatric Clinic for Children (OPC) or the Intensive Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Services In-Home Program (IICAPS). For further information please see Clinical Programs and Services at the Yale Child Study Center. Read more

The Harrington House transitional site in Bellevue is openly looking for volunteers who are willing to donate an hour of their time on a weekly basis, to start up a one to two hour life skills class with the topic being cultural diversity and understanding within a basic life skills context. This opportunity is open to students and professionals. For more information, please contact Angela Bascomb (253) 217-0459 or

A research group at the University of Washington at Tacoma is going to be conducting focus groups this fall with high school students in public high schools in Tacoma and at Oasis, the local LGBTQ youth drop-in facility.  The focus groups will discuss the process of intervening in bullying/dating violence as a bystander.  We are looking for some people in their 20’s who might be interested in facilitating some of these focus groups.  Sadly, we do not have $$ to pay for anyone, but we can offer course credit, if that would be an incentive.  The person would need to have transportation to Tacoma or live down here. Read more

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