This survey is a collaborative survey to learn more about social work graduates across the country – and you have a good chance of getting an amazon gift card!

Dear Social Work Graduating Class,

Congratulations on your upcoming graduation!  Now that you are graduating, the social work community could use your help to inform the social work education and practice community about the career pathways of new social work graduates and the job market.  You can also earn a $20 Amazon gift card!

To better understand the trends in the work and and practice experiences of social workers, eight major social work organizations have come together to engage the George Washington University Health Workforce Institute (GW-HWI) to conduct a survey of individuals completing a social work degree in 2017.

The 2017 Social Work Graduate Survey will be distributed in September 2017 using an individualized link emailed to participants.  GW-HWI is inviting you to participate in this survey.  If you are interested, please provide them with an email address that will still be valid in September using the link below.  Please respond by 7:00 p.m. EDT on May 12, 2017.  GW-HWI will then contact you at that email address in September to take the survey.

Your participation in the survey in September and your decision to register for it now are entirely voluntary. Registering for the survey now does not require you to complete the survey in September.  If you do complete the survey in September, all of your responses will be kept confidential and reports and papers based on analysis of this information will only use aggregated survey data.  Although GW-HWI will ask for your email address, name and social work program when you click on the link above, this information will be kept separate from the survey responses you give in September and will not be linked to them in any way.  Your email address will be deleted from their records at the end of the study unless you agree otherwise.

In appreciation of your participation in this important study, the first 1100 people completing the September survey will receive a $20 Amazon gift card [500 BSWs, 500 MSWs, 100 PhD/DSWs].  GW-HWI expects around 1000 responses to the survey, so your chances of being awarded the gift card are good!

Should you have any further questions or comments, please feel free to contact Ed Salsberg, Principal Investigator for the study, at

GW-HWI and the partnering national social work organizations greatly appreciate your time and consideration in agreeing to participate in this survey.

Thank you for your interest in this important study for the social work community. Congratulations again on your forthcoming graduation!

In addition to the official Commencement ceremony at Husky Stadium, there are over 100 school, college, departmental, and student organization graduation celebrations.

School of Social Work Graduation Event:

Most take place during the week before Commencement or on the morning of Commencement Day. Links to event pages for each of the schools, colleges, and departments listed below will be created as information becomes available. For an overview of this year’s events, based on current information, see the 2017 At-A-Glance Guide. Contact information on the guide may be useful for obtaining information regarding this year’s graduation events. Read more

Hello Graduating EDP Students!

If you are graduating this year we would like to invite you to participate in the graduation presentation! This video/slideshow will play just before your cohort walk across the stage at the School of Social Work Graduation on Thursday, June 8. Please send in photos using the Google Form link below by Friday, May 5th. This is a time for your families, friends and loved ones to see you represented!

If you have any questions please email Bilen Million at

You are invited to attend:

Lavender Graduation 2017

Tuesday, June 6, 2017 from 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM

Lavender Graduation 2017 Lavender Graduation 2017   Tuesday, June 6, 2017 from 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM Lavender Graduation 2017   This year’s Lav Grad features Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha, a queer disabled non-binary femme of color writer and cultural worker of Burger/Tamil Sri Lankan and Irish/Roma ascent. The author of Dirty River: A Queer Femme of Color Dremaing Her Way Home (Publisher’s Triangle and Lambda Award 2016 finalist, American Library Association Stonewall Award winner 2016, Body Map (Audre Lorde Poetry Award Finalist, Publisher’s Triangle), Love Cake (Lambda Award winner 2012), and Consensual Genocide, she is the co-editor of The Revolution Starts at Home: Confronting Intimate Violence in Activist Communities. Her work has been widely published, most recently in The Deaf Poets Society, Glitter and Grit and Octavia’s Brood, and including work in the anthologies Dear Sister, Undoing Border Imperialism, Stay Solid, Persistence: Still Butch and Femme, Yes Means Yes, Visible: A Femmethology, Homelands, Colonize This, We Don’t Need Another Wave, Bitchfest, Without a Net, Dangerous Families, Brazen Femme, Femme, and A Girl’s Guide to Taking Over the World. For more information find Leah at

Graduate and celebrate all of you! Lavender Grad is open to any student eligible, at any level (undergrad or graduate/professional) for a graduation in the 2016-2017 (including fall 2017) academic year. The Q Center and QSC host Lavender Graduation as a time for the UW students of all genders and sexual orientations to come together and celebrate our multiple identities, our accomplishments, and sheer AWESOMENESS.

You do not have to be graduating or be of a certain sexual or gender identity/orientation/expression to participate and/or attend the Lavender Graduation year-end celebration. Everyone is welcome and wanted!!!

Here is what graduates say about Lavender Graduation:
“I felt more embraced and supported by community than I had during the rest of my time as a PhD student. Lav Grad was awesome!”

“Lav Grad was such a warm and welcoming ceremony that instilled such a sense of pride…I got to stand in front of my friends and family and have the feeling that all parts of my life got to come together for the first time.”

The whens, wheres, whys and hows: When: TUESDAY, June 6th, from 6-8:30 p.m. Graduates please arrive by NO LATER than 5:00-5:15 p.m. Faculty participating  in the procession and confirmation of sheer awesomeness may also wish to arrive at 5 or 5:15 to get food and drink prior to gathering for the grand entrance.

Where: “wǝɫǝbʔaltxʷ” Intellectual House.
Parking in all UW lots is $15 for special graduation day pass. The nearest parking areas are Padelford, Accessible Parking-Lot N22, N1, N5, and Central Garage. Parking for people with disabilities will be available in the UW Tower lot).

How: IF YOU ARE GRADUATING;  please register here:

Dress: You can wear whatever you want! This is your graduation and as queer and trans* folks, we are often “required” by work, school, family, culture, etc., to dress in ways that do not necessarily fit our tastes. If you wish to wear the cap and gown, wear it. If you want to appear in drag, do it. All clothing has cultural significance, but sometimes we want to wear cultural regalia that honors our history, ourselves and the moment, please do so! If you want to dress up, or down, go for it. You want to be comfy, have at it. This is your night. All of your identities are celebrated as is the awesomeness that is you and our UW queer communities!

“Lavender Graduation was one of the most joyous moments of my life so far. It was wonderful to be in a room with so many queer people and allies, celebrating making it through 4 years. The whole event was amazing and life affirming.”

See you there!We’d like to thank our partner, the Queer Student Commission and the following sponsors: the HUB, The School of Social Work, VPOMA/D, Student Life, Services & Activities Committee and all the student commissions!

For folks who are feeling confused about what it means to arrive fragrance free a couple of steps you can take in order to be fragrance free at the event include:

• Washing the clothes you are planning on wearing the day of the event in baking soda and vinegar or washing them in laundry detergent that is specifically labeled fragrance free, unscented or free of perfumes and dyes.
• Not wearing perfume, cologne or other scented personal care products like hair gel, scented deodorant, scented lotion. Some fragrance free alternatives are baking soda for deodorant/soap/shampoo, oil for a body moisturizer, sugar water for hairspray, pure unscented wax in place of hair gel.
• If you are a smoker taking care to not smoke directly before the event and before entering the space washing your hands and mouth with baking soda.
• If you have any specific questions around scent-free accessibility or are looking for suggestions of fragrance free alternative personal care products email or! Baking soda will be provided at the event but if you are wanting some beforehand to wash clothes, etc. contact and we can figure something out! For parking info contact:; Light rail comes to the UW from downtown and Columbia City/Rainier. It arrives near parking lot E19 near Husky Stadium.
*Free Food & Alcohol will be served // Please refrain from wearing scents or fragrances // Children welcome!!!  *”wǝɫǝbʔaltxʷ” Intellectual House is wheelchair accessible.
*ASL interpretation and CART captioning will be provided upon request // For questions, comments, and concerns regarding accessibility please contact:

“wǝɫǝbʔaltxʷ” Intellectual House

4249 Whitman Court

Seattle, WA 98195

Attend Event

The 2017 School of Social Work Graduation is Thursday, June 8th at Alaska Airlines (formerly Hec Ed) Pavilion.

This year’s School of Social Work graduation celebration will provide opportunities for each graduating cohort (i.e. MSW EDP + MSW DAY + BASW + PhD) to offer a 3-5 minute presentation. This presentation by each cohort takes place during the graduation ceremony in Alaska Airlines Pavilion just before you arise as a group to ascend the stage to accept your diplomas from the Dean.

The committee may select one of the following for the presentation on Thursday, June 8th:

–          A video

–          A performance

–          Speaker(s)

To begin planning, I am requesting that interested members of your cohort meet with me to discuss your ideas for this presentation. The product of this presentation is completely dependent upon the interests of your planning group.

We are starting this process earlier this year so planners will have enough time to brainstorm, consult, and produce!  If you have ideas, please get involved now!  We’ll talk about options and resources.  I will not be directing anything – rather, my role is to support you and your classmates in this process in any way I can.  Please know that those who step forward will be making decisions about the presentation – and we will let you know who your representatives are.

Please email Bilen Million at if you’d like to be a part of the committee or if you have any questions!

Volunteering Opportunity for Graduating Students

We have a great opportunity for graduating students to earn VIP tickets for their families during graduation. If they volunteer at Cap and Gown pick up next week, they will receive 1 VIP ticket for 1 hour of volunteering.

The VIP tickets give families access to the Don James Center where they will be able to watch graduation protected from sun/rain. Please pass on this signup sheet to your students. If they have any questions, they can contact me (

We have availability Tuesday-Friday but we especially need extra help Thursday morning.

Lavender Grad is open to any student eligible, at any level (undergrad or graduate/professional) for a graduation in the 2014-2015 (including fall 2015) academic year. The Q Center and QSC host Lavender Graduation as a time for the UW queer, trans*, two-spirit, same gender loving, and allied communities to come together and celebrate our multiple identities, our accomplishments, and sheer AWESOMENESS. You do not have to be graduating or be of a certain sexual or gender identity/orientation/expression to participate in and/or attend the Lavender Graduation year-end communities celebration. Everyone is welcome and wanted!!!

Read more

The Q Center and Queer Student Commission (QSC) host Lavender Graduation as a time for the UW queer, trans*, two-spirit, same gender loving, and allied communities to come together and celebrate our multiple identities, our accomplishments, and sheer AWESOMENESS.

We are currently seeking volunteers who are interested in serving on the planning committee.  Typically, the time commitment consists of a 1-hour meeting every other week, which will change to weekly meetings closer to the event or as needed.  We also ask that committee members attend and volunteer the day of the ceremony.  Read more

Visit for complete ceremony information.

1. Eligibility:

Bachelor Candidates:  Students who earned a degree in Summer 2013, Autumn 2013, or Winter 2014, or have applied to graduate with a departmental advisor for Spring 2014 or Summer 2014 are eligible. Once the application for graduation has been completed and received by the Office of Graduation and Academic Records (206-543-1803), the student will be eligible to complete the Commencement Registration/Order Form.

Master’s, Doctoral or Professional Candidates: Graduates who earned their degrees in Summer 2013, Autumn 2013, or Winter 2014 or candidates who have a reasonable expectation of graduating in Spring 2014 or Summer 2014 are eligible to participate.

Names Listed in Program:  The Commencement program lists the names of graduates from Summer 2013 through Spring 2014.  Note: Spring 2014 Bachelor’s Degree candidates must have their Application to Graduate <>  submitted and received by the Office of Graduation and Academic Records by the April 18th deadline in order to have their names listed. Master’s and Doctoral degree candidates must have their Master’s Degree Request submitted or Doctoral Final Exam scheduled, by April 18th in order to have their names listed.  Summer 2014 graduates’ names will be listed in the following year’s program.  Students who do not wish to have their names listed in the program must contact the Office of the Registrar (206-543-5378).

Honors: If you qualify for College, Departmental, or Interdisciplinary Honors, be sure you or your advisor has submitted your Departmental Honors Invitation to the Honors Program (MGH 211 or Box 352800) by April 18, 2014. This is only bachelor degree students.

For baccalaureate honors information visit:

2. Signing Up and Ordering Apparel, Parking Permits, and Guest Tickets online

Register/Place your order online:  May 7 – May 25 at

Husky Stadium Ceremony: Participants must register and order tickets, pre-paid parking permits, and apparel no later than May 25th via the above website.  Payment will be taken online when finalizing your order.  Visa, MasterCard, debit card, or valid checking account number will be accepted.

Apparel prices: Bachelor apparel (purchase only) – $45.00, Master’s apparel (purchase only) – $65.00, Professional apparel (rental) – $75.00, Ph.D.

(rental) – $85.00. **See website for Professional/Doctoral purchase information.

**For our doctoral candidates, we are offering a special opportunity to meet with Oak Hall Cap & Gown. They will be on campus (Mary Gates Hall, Room 134 – the Career Center) on April 9 and April 10, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., to answer any questions doctoral candidates might have about purchasing academic regalia.  To schedule an appointment with Oak Hall, please fill out our catalyst survey at: by April 8th.  We will contact them to let them know about appointment times.

Parking Permits: Purchase campus parking online during registration at

3. Individual School/College or Departmental Ceremony participants must order via the above website by May 25th, 2014, if your ceremony requires apparel or parking permits.  Permits ($14) are required to park on campus during normal parking hours or on June 14th.  Payment will be taken online.

4. Pick Up Your Order: May 29th – June 7th (students will select specific dates online) at the UW Book Store (during normal book store hours).

5. Come to Husky Stadium, June 14th, at 12:30.  CONGRATULATIONS!

Graduate and celebrate all of you! Lavender Grad is open to any student eligible, at any level (undergrad or graduate/professional) for a graduation in the 2013-2014 (including fall 2014) academic year. The Q Center and QSC host Lavender Graduation as a time for the UW queer, trans*, two-spirit, same gender loving, and allied communities to come together and celebrate our multiple identities, our accomplishments, and sheer AWESOMENESS. You do not have to be graduating or be of a certain sexual or gender identity/orientation/expression to participate and/or attend the Lavender Graduation year-end celebration. Everyone is welcome and wanted!!!

Here is what graduates say about Lavender Graduation:

“I felt more embraced and supported by community than I had during the rest of my time as a PhD student. Lav Grad was awesome!”

“Lav Grad was such a warm and welcoming ceremony that instilled such a sense of pride…I got to stand in front of my friends and family and have the feeling that all parts of my life got to come together for the first time.”

The whens, wheres, whys and hows:

When: TUESDAY, June 10th, from 6-8:30 p.m. Graduates please arrive by NO LATER than 5:15 p.m.

Where: THE UW TOWER, Mezzanine Level Cafeteria (Brooklyn Avenue is closed in front of Tower, please make parking arrangements ​in the UW Tower lot ($15 for special graduation day pass), ​on the street, on campus, or in the Hotel Deca parking lot​. Parking for people with disabilities will be available in the UW Tower lot​).

How: IF YOU ARE GRADUATING;  please register here.

Dress: You can wear whatever you want! This is your graduation and as queer and trans* folks we are often “required” by work, school, family, culture, etc. to dress in ways that do not necessarily fit our tastes. If you wish to wear the cap and gown, wear it. If you want to appear in drag, do it. All clothing has cultural significance, but sometimes we want to wear cultural regalia that honors our history,ourselves and the moment, please do so! If you want to dress up, or down, go for it. You want to be comfy, have at it. This is your night. All of your identities are celebrated as is the awesomeness that is you and our UW queer communities!

“Lavender Graduation was one of the most joyous moments of my life so far. It was wonderful to be in a room with so many queer people and allies, celebrating making it through 4 years. The whole event was amazing and life affirming.”

For many of you it will be your last!  If you’re thinking you’re graduating in June or August, please read below, carefully, and save this for future reference.

REQUEST FOR DEGREE (only for students completing ALL requirements by June):

That link is located at:

This request for degree should be filled out by April 11th, but please do so ASAP and it only takes a couple of minutes.  After you apply, I will check your degree requirements to make sure everything will be done by the end of this quarter (and will let you know if I see any problems).  I can’t actually recommend graduation until grades are posted after June 17th. At that point you’ll get an email that I have recommended your graduation.  If you don’t file a masters degree request, you won’t be able to graduate and will have to either register for 2 credits in summer quarter or pay a $250 graduate registration waiver fee and graduate the following quarter.


If you’re completing your degree requirements in Summer (August) you will still be able to walk in both the UW and SSW celebrations, but you should file your request for your degree during the week of June 23rd.  If you’re planning on finishing your requirements in summer rather than spring, please send me (do not reply all) a quick email letting me know that so I can mark you down on my list as a summer graduating student instead of spring.


Before you can graduate, you also must complete both your final practicum evaluation (always done your last quarter of practicum) AS WELL AS your “Self-Assessment” through STAR.   You’ll get an email toward the end of the quarter regarding the self-assessment, once it is set up.  Students graduating in Spring AND Summer will both have their self-assessment to do this quarter.  This is an assessment that you do about yourself at the end of the complete MSW program.  I am unable to recommend graduation until it is completed.  PLEASE NOTE: this means there are 2 things in STAR to fill out, which can be confusing to students who do one and think they are finished. Read more

Graduating MSW DAY Students,

Sign up here by Friday, February 14th to plan your graduation COHORT PRESENTATION (details below):

_________________________________________________________________ Read more

MSW ADV YR DAY Video Shoot

*****THIS Friday 5/17 4:15-5:30PM*****
(if you must show up late we will find a place for you!)

Meet us in Room 116 (on the Gallery floor)!

-Conference scene with “Super Social Workers” around the table with an “insurance representative.”
– Grant writing scene
-“Hanging out,” mainly standing someone lipping the lyrics and looking cool!
– Pretty much having a great time with our fellow classmates!

Your grammy, you aunty, your mommy, your daddy… EVERYONE and anyone!

What to bring:
Dress in business/ professional attire (or what professional is at your practicum)! If you have any calculators that would GREAT!!!! Any fun items that would be good/funny in the conference room!
And any fun, cool accessories that we could rock during the “hanging out” part (boas, sun glasses, hats, wigs, etc).

17th Annual Black Graduation Ceremony
Date: June 14, 2013
Time: 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Location: University Christian Church
Address: 4731 15th Avenue NE, Seattle, WA 98105
Note: This event is non-denominational
Parking: On the street or UW
You can park on the UW Campus and walk to the church. The most convenient lot is located at NE 45th St and Memorial Way by the Burke Museum. There is a cost associated for parking.

The Black Graduation Ceremony is a pre-commencement celebration to honor African and African American students who through unyielding determination have successfully completed an undergraduate or graduate degree from the University of Washington Read more

Welcome to the countdown to Lavender Graduation 2013! An event not to be missed…

Graduate and celebrate all of you! Lavender Grad is open to any student eligible, at any level (undergrad or graduate/professional) for a graduation in the 2012-2013 (including fall 2013) academic year. The Q Center and QSC host Lavender Graduation as a time for the UW queer, trans*, two-spirit, same gender loving, and allied communities to come together and celebrate our multiple identities, our accomplishments, and sheer AWESOMENESS. You do not have to be graduating or be of a certain sexual or gender identity/orientation/expression to participate and/or attend the Lavender Graduation year-end celebration. Everyone is welcome and wanted!!! Read more

Adv Year Day GRAD PRESENTATION Subcommittee Sign-UP by Monday, April 1st (Participate as your schedule allows. Details below):

Basically, we are planning on doing a “music video.” The lyrics would be based around the 10 core competencies and/or other funny/annoying things related to UW SSW MSW program. We are also toying with the idea of trying to add a live performance aspect to the presentation as well.

We currently have subcommittees in the following areas.  Pointpersons are listed below – feel free to contact anyone.  The subcommittees would develop a single area of the graduation presentation with a pointperson from the main Planning Committee to answer questions/make connections so all subcommittee activities are integrated in the overall plan. We know your time is limited – you’d just be involved as your schedule permits to develop one aspect of the project).


SIGN UP at this link offer some ideas/creative energy  Please reply by Monday, April 1st so we can get started – we know there’s not a lot of time.

Questions? Below are the pointpersons for each area of the 5 minute video for graduation.  Email questions to them.  Read more

Sign up for the 2013 EDP Graduation Presentation Planning
Committee by 1/30 here:

Hello Graduating EDP Students,

At this year’s ceremony, each graduating cohort including the Day + Advanced Standing, MSW EDP, BASW, and PhD, will have an opportunity to offer a 3-5 minute presentation.

Cohorts may present any of the following during their respective time slot:

  • a performance
  • a video
  • speaker(s)

To begin planning, I am requesting that interested members of your cohort meet with me to discuss your ideas for this presentation. We would begin meeting in a couple of weeks.

If you are interested in helping to plan this short presentation for your cohort, please reply via a brief catalyst:

by Wednesday, January 30th.
Catalyst will provide your contact information and I will be in touch on the 31st. Read more

We want to formally announce the 2013 SSW Graduation Celebration!  Please save the date!

What: The UW School of Social Work 2013 Graduation Celebration

When: Thursday, June 13th at 6pm  (graduating students will need to arrive ~4:30) Read more

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