The Women’s Center is a proud co-sponsor of two very important, upcoming events: The “UNCENSORED: Gender, Sexuality & Social Movements in Global Health Conference” and a thought provoking workshop exploring gender socialization, men’s accountability and allyship entitled, “What is Allyship?“.  

UNCENSORED: Gender, Sexuality & Social Movements in Global Health
April 4-6, 2014

University of Washington

With hundreds expected to attend, and speakers from around the world, the Western Regional International Health Conference (WRIHC), April 4-6 at University of Washington, will provide attendees with a provocative look at global health from perspectives normally relegated to the edges of most conferences. Attendees will have the opportunity to engage with a variety of perspectives on diverse subjects from austerity to human trafficking.

Check out the website to find out more about the cutting-edge topics, speaker line up, interactive workshops, and films. Early bird registration is through March 21.

Breakout session tracks:


Global WACh1 credit seminar: G H 590L is sln: 20645


Optional small discussion section: G H 590M is sln: 20644



Global Health Career Week begins Monday, March 3 and ends on Saturday, March 8, 2014.


Uncensored: Gender, Sexuality, & Social Movements in Global Health

REGISTER NOW for the 11th Annual
Western Regional International Health Conference (WRIHC)

April 4-6, 2014
University of Washington | Seattle, WA
WRIHC Student Committee | UW Chapter of GlobeMed | UW Department of Global Health

A team of 30 students from across the University schools and departments have organized a conference around powerful topics in the margins of most discussions in global health — a deeper understanding of social and political movements, diverse sexualities and sexual health, gender-based violence, reproductive rights, global discrimination against the LGBTQ community, income inequality, and universal access to health care. Read more

We will be offering a great elective next quarter called UCONJ 550 (Healthcare in Underserved Communities).  The course focus is understanding how we can better help underserved communities. In the course we will learn about some of the barriers they face along with what resources are available to help in the greater Seattle area. 

Weekly we will have powerful guest speakers from the community come in to talk about a broad range of topics including: The Aloha Inn, elderly patients, human trafficking, homeless youth, LGBTQI populations, refugee and immigrant healthcare issues, racial and ethnic health disparities, mental health, substance abuse, and rural healthcare. If any of these subjects interest you, please sign up for the course to learn more about these healthcare issues. 

This is a one credit class with credit/no credit grading that meets on Tuesdays from 6:30-8:20pm. We realize this is later in the day than most would like, but it is a great opportunity to learn more about healthcare related issues faced by underserved populations and the resources available.  This is an interdisciplinary class and students can learn and interact with others from the various healthcare related schools here on campus (medicine, nursing, public health, pharmacy, etc).

 Please email,with your name and which professional school/program you are a student in for an add code, or if you have any questions.

Global WACh invites you to attend:

An Information Session on

Certificate in Global Health of Women, Adolescents and Children

Date & Time: Friday, November 1st, 2:00-2:50pm

Location: Turner Auditorium (D209 in the Health Sciences Building)

Please join us for an in-depth information session on this interdisciplinary Certificate Program focused on health of Women, Adolescents and Children using the  “lifecycle approach”. This is an opportunity to meet the Certificate Director and Program Manager and have questions answered in person.

Anyone with interest may attend this session, however, only enrolled UW graduate students are eligible to apply. Applicants fromall programs are welcome only an interest in health is required!

Confirm your interest in attendingby emailing

 Hope you’ll join us! 

 For more information about Global WACh or the Certificate Program, visit:

GRADUATE CERTIFICATE in HIV and STI’s- application deadline Friday November 1st

Now accepting applications!

Are you interested in a career in HIV & STIs?  Would you like to participate in small seminar classes taught by leading HIV/STI experts together with a multidisciplinary group of students from Health Sciences, Nursing, Medicine, Global Health, Anthropology, Social Work and more? If so, please consider this Certificate.

We are an interdisciplinary program in the Department of Global Health that provides students with the conceptual knowledge and practical skills needed to work in the field of HIV & STIs.

In addition to completing 12 core and elective credits, students will complete a 3 credit capstone project. Certificate program staff will work with you to develop a unique capstone experience that is tailored to your interests. All current UW graduate matriculated graduate students are eligible to apply. Read more

Global Health Graduate Certificate Info Session

Open to all matriculating Graduate Students@ UW 

  • Graduate Certificate in Global Health
  • Graduate Certificate in HIV/STI’s
  • Graduate Certificate in the Global Health of Women, Adolescents and Children
  • Graduate Certificate in Global Injury and Violence Prevention

All four certificates require 12-15 credits of coursework and a culminating Capstone, please join us to find out more details


WHEN: Friday, October 4th

TIME: 2-2:50PM Read more

The purpose of the GO Health Fellowship is to provide financial assistance to a graduate student, professional student, or medical resident at the University of Washington so that they may gain valuable international fieldwork experience in global health.  The funds have been generously provided by donors committed to the education of global health professionals from diverse disciplinary backgrounds.

The Fellowship of up to $4,000 (USD) can be used to support travel costs, including room and board, travel health preparation, travel insurance and/or supplies for a particular global health project.   The GO Health Fellowship cannot be used to cover tuition costs, school supplies, conference attendance or other non-project related expenses.  Funds can be used for experiences taking place anytime from summer quarter 2013 up to, and including spring quarter 2014.

Applicants will be selected based on the following considerations: Read more

The Peace Corps is looking for interested student volunteers this year for a fulfilling international service experience. Discover the Benefits of Peace Corps and attend one of our upcoming info sessions on campus.

Joint Info Session: Learn about Peace Corps, TFA, Americorps, and City Year

Tuesday, January 29. 6-7:30 pm @Thomson Hall, Room 125


Peace Corps over the years: Generations Panel

Tuesday, January 29. 6-7:30 pm @Thomson Hall, Room 125


Application Workshop: Tips for Success

Wednesday, February 13.  12:30-1:30 pm @Thomson Hall, Room 119 Read more

Intern in Seattle or Africa with UBL, a local development NGO!

UBL (Unboxed Lives) is a grassroots, non-profit organization founded in Seattle WA.  Our goal is to work with forward-thinking leaders in villages and communities in Africa and break the bonds of poverty.  Unboxed Lives engages in community projects, youth and women’s programs, as well as community project support.

Right now we are helping to establish a Rescue Center for abused and neglected children and a Community Medical Clinic in Kisumu, Kenya. We are looking for eager, enthusiastic individuals who ready to work together to empower communities to bring themselves out of poverty. We have many opportunities available from fundraising, media relations, event planning and even trips to Africa to visit communities we support (costs paid by students).

Info Session:

Tuesday, January 29

12:30 – 1:20pm Read more

Application due February 15, 2013 for NEW Study Abroad Program in Brazil.

The UW Disability Studies Program and the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine are offering a new study abroad course in Brazil on Disability in Limited Resource Environments during Summer – A Term 2013.  The program would be of interest to people studying topics like: global health, human rights, social justice, pre-health, social welfare, disability, politics, diversity, and sociology.

Undergraduate or graduate students are welcome to apply.

Program information:

Rebecca Matter, M.A. | Project Analyst for International Initiatives | Center for Technology and Disability Studies |
Box 357920 | University of Washington | Seattle, WA  98195 | 206-616-4337 |


Access to information and communication technologies (ICTs) in Ghana ranges from no access in many rural areas to access comparable to some major US cities. What strategies do people with low incomes use to connect to others and get the information they need? How does this impact their lives? We can get answers to these questions through research and direct experience. Whether you are interested in the uses and impacts of ICTs on the lives of people in developing countries, or more generally in information and communication in another country or learning about how to do field research, this seminar is an opportunity to explore researched-based learning through immersion in the people and culture of Ghana. Read more

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