For students who are trans, nonbinary, or questioning and interested in attending trans open office hours this academic year, please complete this interest form!

T-Time is a 1-2 hour drop in space I host 1-3 times per quarter where we can chat, co-work, etc. It is hosted in the semi-private PhD student offices and their is an expectation of confidentiality around who is in attendance.

UW 1st Interprofessional LGBTQ Health Conference

Saturday April 6, 2019, 9AM-4PM

South Campus Center, University of Washington, Seattle, WA

The University of Washington 1st Annual Interprofessional LGBTQ Health Conference is a community-organized and led event promoting the exploration of the health care needs of LGBTQ communities.

The conference will provide a forum to share knowledge and research across disciplines, invite cross-disciplinary critique and conversation, and collaborate with community partners. Through discussions around institutionalized racism in health care, addressing LGBTQ erasure in health care curriculum, engaging clinicians and researchers in social justice and advocacy, establishing an interdisciplinary network of LGBTQ health professionals, and educating current and future health care providers, this event aims to promote the advancement of LGBTQ health.

We invite interested individuals to attend this conference, including undergraduate and graduate students of the health professions as well as faculty/staff of these programs, current health care workers, researchers, health policy specialists, advocates, and community members interested in addressing health equity issues for LGBTQ individuals.

Research track: The research track is a venue for sharing data-driven research on the health and well-being of LGBTQ communities across diverse health related disciplines.

Clinical track: The clinical track sessions will focus on related topic areas important to the clinical care of LGBTQ patients, including primary care, mental health, sexual and reproductive health, and gender affirming medical care.

Social Justice & Advocacy track: The social justice and advocacy track is a forum for the presentation and discussion of social justice for LGBTQ communities, as well as a venue for improving individual and institutional practices for advocating for LGBTQ health.

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: Deadline January 19, 2019

Ingersoll events (Posted 10/31/18)

Posted under Events, LGBTQIA+ on Oct 31, 2018

Trans Awareness Week – November 12th-17th

    What: QTSOC Quarterly Potluck (bring whatever you’re able to! 😊)
    When: Friday, November 9th @ 5:30pm
    Where: T553

Queer Trans Students of Color (QTSOC) was started last year to bring together people of color in the health sciences who identify as queer and/or trans to share our experiences, voice our opinions, push for change, and support each other throughout our journeys. We will be holding a potluck in a little less than two weeks and would love to see some first years there!

Although we do welcome allies, this group is centered around the experiences of queer and/or trans people who also identify as people of color, so please be mindful and respectful of this space.

Scholarship applications are now open!

Apply online or

Every year, the GSBA Scholarship Fund and Pride Foundation award scholarships to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and allied students of any age from Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington.

Students pursuing any kind of post-secondary education—including community college, public or private colleges & universities, trade schools, apprenticeships, and certificate programs—are eligible!

60+ scholarships.

One application.

Applications are due January 11, 2019

at 4:00pm AKST | 5:00 pm PST | 6:00pm MST.


To assist students applying for these scholarships, we will hold Scholarship Application Workshops throughout the Northwest and online in the fall. See the Pride Foundation website for specific times and locations.


If you don’t plan to apply for the GSBA Scholarship Fund or Pride Foundation scholarships, you can help spread the word about these opportunities! Forward this email, share the news on social media, or download and print this flyer for your school, business, community space, or notice board.

We look forward to receiving applications and to another year of partnering with our communities to support tomorrow’s leaders!

National Student Leadership Diversity Convention:

The National Student Leadership Diversity Convention is the largest national gathering of student leaders and campus based advisors to address the most critical topics of diversity and social justice challenging our campuses today. Through experiential workshops, keynote sessions, and round table discussions teams of students will explore various elements of diversity and how they affect themselves and their campuses. During the conference students will be led through facilitated workshops to develop a Campus Action Plan for a program or event that the teams selects to work on together on in order to bring back a piece of the NSLDC experience to their own campuses.


United Collegiate Women’s Leadership Conference:

The United Collegiate Women’s Leadership Conference is an interactive transformational experience where women from all walks of life come together to understand the authentic leader they have within themselves, while preparing them to tackle critical issues facing their campus and larger communities. Women often are socialized to believe that exerting themselves means they are bossy, or that being quiet means they are shy. Issues of systemic misogyny creates a dynamic where women often are left competing against one another, or believing that one woman’s shine can diminish another’s. The truth is that united women are more likely to be successful. Women should not have to choose which of their identities they are going to lead with in their personal and professional lives. At UCWLC, we believe it’s all for one, and one for all. UCWLC creates a space that is high-energy, empowering and designed to create a transformational experience.


A National Conference for LGBTQA+ Student Leaders, Advisors, and Allies:

NSLDC Pride is a leadership conference which provides student leaders with the skillsets to encourage a society free of anti-LGBTQA+ prejudice, bigotry and hate on their campuses. Through experiential workshops, keynote sessions, and roundtable discussions; students will be given the tools to become stronger leaders and allies to the LGBTQA+ community by practicing inclusion in their organizations and on their campuses. During the conference students will be led through facilitated workshops to develop a campus action plan to bring back to their own campuses and communities.


Hi everyone,

*Excited to announce to save the date for the Queer/Trans Fall Welcome

Event on September 27 from 7-9 pm in room 305.* Last year we had about 50

folks show up, and many incoming and returning students told me how

meaningful it was for them to see faculty, staff, doc students, masters,

and bachelors students all at this event.

RSVP at the FB event if you use FB:

Feel free to share this email/flier. I will be sending an ask out as the

date nears for folks who teach to share with their classes on 9/26 and 9/27.

Please join us for……

Community Healing and Resilience: Two Spirit and Queer/Trans Pacific Islander perspectives (QTPI)

with special guest panelists: Hiram Calflooking Sr (Blackfeet) and Taffy Lei Johnson (Fa’afafine) of the NW Two Spirit Society and United Territories of Pacific Islander Alliance Seattle! Two spirit people are aboriginal/First Nations/Native American/American Indian/Alaska Native/Metis/Inuit AND identify as LGBTQ. Learn more about two spirit and queer/trans Pacific Islander people, the importance of culture as protective factor, and the work these two organizations are doing to support the health and wellbeing of Native American/Alaska Native and Pacific Islander peoples in Seattle and beyond.

When: Tuesday June 5 2018 from 3:30 to 5:00 pm

Where:  Health Sciences Center K-069

Why: Because..…it’s PRIDE y’all!

RSVP:  here

Contact:  Victoria Gardner

This event is free and open to faculty, students and staff!  Light refreshments will be available.

QTPI2S Flyer

Your fellow students in Soc W 506 this quarter desperately need survey responses for their projects from other MSW students. Please review titles and deadlines below and respond to as many as you have time. There will be a second batch of surveys going out towards this end of this week. Your peers thank you.

Social Media’s Impact On Credible News Consumption
Hadley Cronk,
Target Audience: all UW MSW students
Deadline: May 2nd

UW MSW Student Perceptions of Substance Users
Meghan Rowley ,
Target Audience: First year MSW students
Deadline: May 2nd

Perceptions of Poverty and MSW student’s Social Work Practice
Students Conducting Research:
Lily Cory
Alex Strout
Target Audience: All MSW students (1st, 2nd, Advanced, EDP)
Deadline: May 2nd

LGBTQ Social Work Identity
Nick Dominique,
Target audience: All students in any MSW program, specifically those who identify as LGBTQ
Deadline: May 4th

Perceptions of Cultural Diversity of Students in the MSW Program at the UW
Kristen Alstott ,
Target Audience: MSW students who will graduate in 2019 (First year DAY students and 2nd year EDP students)
Link (do NOT take survey until 6pm on 4/23)
Deadline: noon on 5/11 for chance to win $25 Amazon gift card

Mapping Change Ideologies
Melina Di Stefano,
Target audience: All MSW graduate students (advanced, day, extended)
Link: Mapping Change Ideologies
Deadline: May 11th, 2018

Paid focus group about stress for trans/non-binary folks, please forward/share freely

Hi folks! My name is Vern (they) and I am a social work doc student at UW. I am helping out Natasha out with her dissertation study. She is a Psych student in California who works with trans clients and does trans advocacy work. We are recruiting trans/enby etc folks for focus groups, and you will be compensated for your time. Feel free to let trans/enby friends know about this 🙂 I know that we are burdened with research studies because we’re ‘trendy’ all of a sudden, but I truly believe in this project, am a real live trans person myself, and the time is compensated with a stipend and snacks.

The information gathered by this study will be used to inform practitioners (by way of poster/conference presentation and paper publication) about the ways trans folks experience stress. I am also committed to making sure research findings are accessible to community members and organizations, so always find alternative ways to make information accessible (primarily through my website and resources I create that are publicly available, classes I teach, organizations I volunteer or consult with, etc). Additionally, community/academic partners are shown on the flier. Natasha and I are both happy to answer any questions about the study, how the information will be used, etc–as she’s the lead, I might defer to her, depending on the question/concern.

Seeking Trans and Non-Binary Adults for Interview Study

Do you identify as trans, non-binary or genderqueer?
Are you comfortable talking to a group about your experiences with stress?
 Would you like to help with a dissertation research project?

This study involves one 2-2.5 hour visit to the Equal Rights Washington office in Seattle in early May. Participants are offered $25 payment for their time spent in a focus group discussion.

To be eligible, you must: 1) Identify as transgender
and/or non-binary/genderqueer (see note below); 2) Be at least 18 years of age; 3) Speak, read, and write in English.

For more information please contact:
Natasha Gadinsky, (415) 964-0362,

*If you are unsure if this includes you, please call Natasha Gadinsky to ask.

Independent Contact: If you are not satisfied with how this study is being conducted, or if you have any concerns, complaints, or general questions about the research or your rights as a participant, please contact the Stanford Institutional Review Board (IRB) to speak to someone independent of the research team at (650)-723-5244 or toll free at 1-866-680-2906.

Graduate and celebrate all of you!

The Q Center hosts Lavender Graduation as a time for the UW queer, trans, two-spirit, and allied communities to come together and celebrate our multiple identities, our accomplishments, and sheer AWESOMENESS. Lavender Graduation is open to any student eligible, at any level (undergraduate or graduate/professional), for graduation in the academic year. 

Tuesday, June 5th, 6-8:30pm

wǝɫǝbʔaltxʷ Intellectual House 

Register by May 25th at:

More info at:


I am reaching out to invite you to attend Amara’s upcoming Critical Conversations event, which will bring together a dynamic panel of experts around the question “How can we support African American, Native American and LGBTQ children and youth in foster care?” Attached you’ll find information about Amara, our Critical Conversations series and our first event.

This event will take place on Saturday, April 28th from 3:30pm–5pm (with an informal reception from 5:00pm–6:00pm) at the Rainier Arts Center. We are incredibly excited to be hosting the University of Washington Tacoma Professor, Dr. Marian Harris, as a panelist in this important conversation.

As members of the SSW QT group, your voice is crucial in this conversation, and we hope you will not only join us, but also spread the word about this impactful event. Please feel free to share the conversation’s Facebook event or forward the attached flyer within your networks.

If you are able to attend, please reserve your seat here. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions.

Thank you,


Announcing Spring T-Time dates!

For Spring Quarter, Hez Cooper and I will be hosting trans open office hours (T-Time!)! Join other trans students and faculty to hang out or work together from 4-6pm in B018 on the dates below:

March 28
April 18
May 9

The FB event for T-Time is here:

This is a space specifically for transgender and non-binary individuals, though those questioning their gender are always welcome! Vern will provide tea, but feel free to bring snacks for yourself or to share. Have questions about finding trans-inclusive sources for your paper? Bring those, too!

Stay tuned for more information regarding other queer/trans events this quarter, or join the Facebook Group.

QTPOC, check out Connexions, an open space for making connections, healing, processing, and resources.

Every Monday from 6:00 – 7:30 p.m.

Seattle Counseling Service

1216 Pine St #300

Seattle, WA 98101

The Q Center is seeking volunteers to be part of the 2018 Lavender Graduation Planning Committee!  We hope you will share your ideas and energy with us in order to make June 5th a special day for our graduates.

If you are interested, please complete this poll to indicate your meeting availability by March 15th. 

Feel free to email Jaimée Marsh or call 206-897-1430 if you have any questions.

QSC Newsletter | Week 8

Posted under Events, LGBTQIA+ on Feb 22, 2018

QSC Newsletter
Week 8 | Winter 2018

Hello everyone! Thank you so much to all of you who came out to our Bi Panel last Thursday. We’re incredibly happy to have seen so many turn out for such a needed conversation here at UW. A discussion group will be spinning off from last week’s panel, so make sure to keep up with us come spring quarter – the group will be meeting then!

In the meantime, check out our events and opportunities happening below, and follow us on on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram (@asuwqsc) to stay updated!

Office hours
Sign up to be a freelance volunteer
Submit an event idea

Below are some upcoming events:

The Body Is Not An Apology. Let’s Discuss This Thursday

We’ll begin in the D Center from 3:30 to 4:00 with an arts and crafts session, followed by a panel discussion from 4:00 to 5:00 on the experiences of being queer and disabled. We hope to see you there! Please feel free to reach out to us about any questions regarding accessibility.

Facebook event page available here

Come Be A Performer At Our Spring Drag Competition!

The QSC is getting ready to throw our annual Drag Competition! Stop by for a night of the fiercest drag performances imaginable, as hosted by Seattle’s own Aleksa Manila. This event is free, open to public, with food and refreshments available to all. More info to come – but for now, save the date for April 5, 2018 in the HUB North Ballroom!

If you’re interested in performing, please fill out this form. Thank you for your interest, and we’re excited to collaborate with you!

Help Make The IMA More Gender Inclusive

The IMA is currently looking into renovating their facilities to include an all gender locker room inside the building. They’re looking for student input and opinions, so if you have any feedback about the project, fill out this anonymous survey here.

Yesterday, the QSC passed R-24-12: A Resolution in Support of the IMA’s All Gender Locker Room and Pool Renovation, in the Student Senate. Thank you to everyone who came to discuss the bill, especially in regards to how the IMA can best maintain student input for the ongoing project! Please feel free to reach out to us or the IMA if you have any questions about the renovation going forward.

Survey About A Proposed “X” Gender Marker On University Documents

The state of Washington recently established a new policy that allows one to mark their gender down as “X” on their birth certificates. If you have any opinions about the policy, particular in regards to how you would feel about a similar policy being established at the UW for university-related documents, please feel free to fill out this anonymous survey here. Please email us if you have any questions!

To view other events, please follow (@asuwqsc) Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to stay updated!

Please join in Odegaard Library’s new project: Recommended Reads for Equity.

Recommended Reads for Equity engages the UW community in critical conversations, reading, critical thinking and community building; all of which are essential to lifelong learning and engaged citizenship. Guided by the UW community, Odegaard Library will collect recommendations for books about equity, diversity, and inclusion and create opportunities to share recommendations and hold conversations and discussions as a whole campus community. The community’s recommendations will be used to build a new book collection in Odegaard Library, ultimately creating a lasting legacy of UW’s commitment to equity.

We are currently accepting recommendations through our online form. We’d love to hear your reading recommendations! Submit online at
If you have questions or comments, please contact Odegaard staff members Emilie Vrbancic at or Steve Weber at This project is sponsored by a UW Diversity and Inclusion Seed Grant and the University of Washington Libraries.

Dear MSW program:

Pacific University’s Master of Social Work Program is committed to social and economic justice, the prevention of conditions that limit human rights, the elimination of poverty, and the enhancement of the quality of life for all persons. As part of realizing this commitment, we are supporting the advancement of human rights and social justice through the MSW Journal of Human Rights & Social Justice.

In response to the current political climate and concurrent contemporary violations of human rights, we are inviting interdisciplinary masters level students nationally and abroad to submit to the 2018 edition. This is a great opportunity for MSW students to collectively take part in contributing knowledge toward addressing human rights and social justice issues.

If you have any questions, please email us at For submission guidelines visit:


QSC Newsletter
Week 10 | Fall 2017
Hi everyone! Welcome to Week 10. I hope you were able to center your needs, priorities, and self-care over the break. As we get into finals week, make sure to take the time to recognize and care for your health.We’d like to welcome Meena to the QSC Team! As the Administrative Intern, Meena will act as our secretary, historian, researcher, and liaison to the Student Advisory Board.

Check out all the details below about the QSC Ball, community events, and a lot of great opportunities that you can get involved with. See you around!

– Joshua, QSC Director

Office hours
Sign up to be a freelance volunteer
Submit an event idea

Come Party with Us at the 2018 QSC Ball!

We’re happy to announce that our annual QSC Ball is back!!

Come kick off the new year with us as we celebrate our queer identities! We’re showcasing some awesome performers and a queer prom dance to follow right after. They’ll be free food, free admission, a photobooth, and music from Rainy Dawg Radio. Formal wear is encouraged, but absolutely not required. Bring someone to come with too – or come to meet new people! We’ll see you there!

The event will be on January 12, 2018 in the HUB Lyceum. Doors open at 6:00, and the event will run from 6:30 to 9 pm.

We’re also still open to performers – if you have a talent you want to share on stage, apply at

Make sure to check out the FB event page for more details and updates!

Read more

(TW: The following program pertains to the topics of violence and anti-trans bigotry.)

The Q Center and the Queer Student Commission are hosting a week of programming in honor of Transgender Day of Remembrance: a day in memory of trans lives lost to violence. Below is a full list of programming.

Reflections in the Q
Nov 13 | All week | Q Center
Honoring trans lives through art, togetherness, and candle lightings.
Stop by to pay respects to the altar, which will be built up over the week.

Gender Discussion Group
Nov 14 | 4 to 6 pm | Q Center
A weekly confidential, drop-in group centering trans, non-binary, and gender non-conforming experiences. Gender Discussion Group emphasizes community and connection as we process all things gender in a safe and welcoming space.

Legislative Panel
Nov 15 | 5 to 6 pm | Q Center
An open discussion about the state of trans and non-binary student rights at the UW. All concerns, issues, and plans of action will be discussed.

Open Mic
Nov 16 | 6 to 8 pm | Q Center
Come celebrate trans lives through poetry, dance, music, and other forms of art. Bring your friends  and – if you feel comfortable – come with art to share.

Sign Making & Community Vigil
Nov 20 | Sign making: all day, group walk: 6:30 pm | Q Center
Come make signs in the Q Center for the night’s community vigil at King Avenue UMC. At 6:30 pm, we’ll gather together in the Q Center to walk to the vigil beginning at 7:00 pm.

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