Issue No. 151                                                                         January 10, 2023

Highlighted News and Announcements

Reminder: SSWR Annual Conference 
The Society for Social Work and Research is hosting their annual conference next week from January 11-15. If you are not attending in person, you can attend virtually.

NIH Request for Information
NIH is soliciting public input on a proposed revised framework for evaluating and scoring peer review criteria for National Institutes of Health (NIH) research project grant (RPG) applications. NIH is proposing to revise its policy of how peer reviewers score the criteria, and how NIH organizes the criteria for review purposes. Responses must be submitted by March 10, 2023.

NIH Seeking Input 
The NIH is seeking input about potential or existing primary or secondary preventive intervention strategies addressing social determinants of health to prevent mental health problems in populations experiencing health disparities. Responses must be submitted by March 1, 2023.

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Issue No. 145                                                                     November 22, 2022

Highlighted News and Announcements

PCORI Seeking Advisory Panel Members
PCORI is looking for individuals to join its five advisory panels: 1. Clinical effectiveness and decision science; 2. Clinical Trials; 3. Healthcare delivery and disparities research; 4. Patient engagement, and 5. Rare disease. Application deadline is March 31, 2023.

NIH Updated Instructions and forms for FORMS-H
NIH has released updated forms and instructions for FORMS-H forms, which are to be used for all grant applications with due dates on or after January 25, 2023.

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Your input is needed for a survey on gender equity in design. This survey seeks to understand the place-based lived experiences of trans, nonbinary, gender nonconforming, queer individuals and communities as they navigate the places and spaces of daily life (home, work, school, public space, recreation, etc.). Your contribution will help generate tools for equitable design and support urban designers, architects, landscape architects, and interior designers in the co-creation of equitable and inclusive places.

The survey asks demographic questions, but no identifiable information is collected. All responses are anonymous. The survey will take less than 20 minutes to complete. At the end of the survey, there is an opportunity to enter a drawing to win a $100 gift card. (You will be asked to use an email address to enter the drawing, but your email will be unattached from any data you provide and discarded after the drawing.) For each response, up to 1,000 responses, we will be donating $1 to The Trevor Project [], a non-profit organization focused on suicide prevention efforts among LGBTQIA2+ youth.

Follow this link to the survey. [] ( [])

Your participation is greatly appreciated! The survey will remain open until the end of January. Feel free to forward this email and survey link to your networks. For questions about the research, contact

Dr. Sahnah Lim at the NYU Center for the Study of Asian American Health (CSAAH) is conducting a study to understand the health and safety of Asian and Asian American women in the US. Given the continued violence against Asian women in NYC and throughout the country, we would like to better understand the safety and mental health of Asian women. Your participation will contribute to greater understanding on important health topics and to the future development of programs that are specifically tailored for Asian women.

Participation in this study involves completing a one-time anonymous online survey about your perceptions of safety, mental health, substance use, and other related health outcomes like sleep disturbance. The survey will be open through December 2022. You may be eligible to participate if you identify as an Asian adult woman living or staying in the U.S. There is no cost for participation in the study. If you agree to participate in this research, you will not receive compensation for your time. The survey is available in English only.

We would greatly appreciate your assistance in distributing this survey opportunity to those in your network!

For folx who are interested in seeing if they are eligible, please click on the following link: []

If you like to hear more about this study, please email Dr. Jiepin Cao (

Issue No. 141                                                                     October 25, 2022

Highlighted News and Announcements

ITHS Translational Research Program Accepting Applicants
The Institute of Translational Health Sciences (ITHS) is accepting applications for a 1 year NIH funded program that offers rigorous training in clinical and translational research for pre-doctoral students. Participants receive a stipend, research funds, and tuition support. For more information, click here [].

NIH Loan Repayment Program Application Window is Open!
NIH will help repay student loan debt to encourage outstanding health professionals in the pursuit of research careers in biomedical or biobehavioral research careers. Loan repayment benefits are in addition to the institutional salary received for research. The Loan Repayment Program (LRP) online application is open this year from September 1 to November 17. Click here for more information.

NIH OBSSR Seeking Input on Strategic Plan- Responses: Due November 14, 2022
The NIH Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research is seeking input on scientific priorities and cross-cutting themes for the OBSSR Strategic Plan 2023-2028. To learn more and provide input, click here.

NIH New Application Forms for Application Due Dates Starting January 25, 2023
Reminder: NIH will begin using updated application forms [] (FORMS-H) for applications due on or after January 25, 2023. NIH will begin adding FORMS-H application packages to active FOAs and instructions on October 25 to prepare for the transition. Please be sure that your upcoming applications are compliant with the new forms.

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Issue No. 139                                                                     October 11, 2022

Highlighted News and Announcements

NIH Loan Repayment Program Application Window is Open!
NIH will help repay student loan debt to encourage outstanding health professionals in the pursuit of research careers in biomedical or biobehavioral research careers. Loan repayment benefits are in addition to the institutional salary received for research. The Loan Repayment Program (LRP) online application is open this year from September 1 to November 17. Click here for more information.

Provost Bridge Funding Program: Applications Due November 1, 2022
The UW Provost’s Office provides bridge funding to support faculty to span a gap in critical research programs. For eligibility requirements, directions for the application and submission process, budget information, notification of award, and post-award process, click here.

NIH New Application Forms for Application Due Dates Starting January 25, 2023
Reminder: NIH will begin using updated application forms [] (FORMS-H) for applications due on or after January 25, 2023. NIH will begin adding FORMS-H application packages to active FOAs and instructions on October 25 to prepare for the transition. Please be sure that your upcoming applications are compliant with the new forms.

Contact the Editor
The mission of the OFFER newsletter is to inform members of our social work community about a broad range of research-related events and opportunities with the goals of both encouraging and informing social work research activities. To assist us in providing this information, email Tasha Murphy at (please put “OFFER eNews” in the subject line) with details about your publications or awarded grants, research funding opportunities, and upcoming research events. Thank you!

New Publications

Berridge, C. and Grigorovich, A. (2022). Algorithmic harms and digital ageism in the use of surveillance technologies in nursing homes []. Frontiers in Sociology.
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Issue No. 138                                                                     October 4, 2022

Highlighted News and Announcements

NIH Loan Repayment Program Application Window is Open!
NIH will help repay student loan debt to encourage outstanding health professionals in the pursuit of research careers in biomedical or biobehavioral research careers. Loan repayment benefits are in addition to the institutional salary received for research. The Loan Repayment Program (LRP) online application is open this year from September 1 to November 17. Click here for more information.

Provost Bridge Funding Program: Applications Due November 1, 2022
The UW Provost’s Office provides bridge funding to support faculty to span a gap in critical research programs. For eligibility requirements, directions for the application and submission process, budget information, notification of award, and post-award process, click here.

UW Office of Research Website Redesign
The UW Office of Research has redesigned their website, which now includes several new helpful resources for faculty, including a “PI Resources Quick Start” page with links to guidance for researchers preparing grant applications.

NIH New Application Forms for Application Due Dates Starting January 25, 2023
Reminder: NIH will begin using updated application forms [] (FORMS-H) for applications due on or after January 25, 2023. NIH will begin adding FORMS-H application packages to active FOAs and instructions on October 25 to prepare for the transition. Please be sure that your upcoming applications are compliant with the new forms.

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Issue No. 137                                                                     September 27, 2022

Highlighted News and Announcements

NIH Loan Repayment Program Application Window is Open!
NIH will help repay student loan debt to encourage outstanding health professionals in the pursuit of research careers in biomedical or biobehavioral research careers. Loan repayment benefits are in addition to the institutional salary received for research. The Loan Repayment Program (LRP) online application is open this year from September 1 to November 17. Click here for more information.

Provost Bridge Funding Program: Applications Due November 1, 2022
The UW Provost’s Office provides bridge funding to support faculty to span a gap in critical research programs. For eligibility requirements, directions for the application and submission process, budget information, notification of award, and post-award process, click here.

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Issue No. 136                                                                     September 20, 2022

Highlighted News and Announcements

NIH Loan Repayment Program Application Window is Open!
NIH will help repay student loan debt to encourage outstanding health professionals in the pursuit of research careers in biomedical or biobehavioral research careers. Loan repayment benefits are in addition to the institutional salary received for research. The Loan Repayment Program (LRP) online application is open this year from September 1 to November 17. Click here for more information.

Provost Bridge Funding Program: Applications Due November 1, 2022
The UW Provost’s Office provides bridge funding to support faculty to span a gap in critical research programs. For eligibility requirements, directions for the application and submission process, budget information, notification of award, and post-award process, click here.

Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) Levin Award
SDRC is now accepting applications for the 2022 Victoria S. Levin Award for Early Success in Young Children’s Mental Health Research []. The award aims to foster early career success in achieving federal funding for research informed by developmental science that addresses concerns affecting the foundations of children’s mental health. The award provides up to $25,000 to pre-tenured, early-mid-career investigators. Applications are due October 1, 2022.

Comments Requested for National Academies Committee on Racial and Ethnic Health Inequities
A new National Academies committee will be appointed [] to conduct an analysis of federal policies (e.g., social, economic, environmental) that contribute to preventable and unfair differences in health status and outcomes experienced by all U.S. racial and ethnic minority populations. The committee will write a report with conclusions and recommendations that identify the most effective or promising approaches to policy change with the goal of furthering racial and ethnic health equity. Written comments for consideration by the study committee will be accepted through September 30, 2022. Note: all comments will be placed in a public access file.

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Issue No. 129                                                                               July 19, 2022

Highlighted News and Announcements

Grant Writer’s Boot Camp
The ALACRITY Center and the IMPACT Center at UW are offering a free boot camp to provide guidance and instruction to faculty submitting grant proposals to NIH in how to submit successful proposals focused on behavioral interventions and implementation strategies. The last session is:
July 21, 2:00-3:30pm: Responding to Reviewers
Click here to register (space is limited). Please direct any questions to

Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) Levin Award
SDRC is now accepting applications for the 2022 Victoria S. Levin Award for Early Success in Young Children’s Mental Health Research. The award aims to foster early career success in achieving federal funding for research informed by developmental science that addresses concerns affecting the foundations of children’s mental health. The award provides up to $25,000 to pre-tenured, early-mid-career investigators. Applications are due October 1, 2022.

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Issue No. 123                                                                                June 7, 2022

Highlighted News and Announcements

Report: Improving Representation in Clinical Trials and Research
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine has published a congresionally mandaded report urging representation of racial and ethnic minority groups and other underrepresented populations in clinical trials and research. You can read the report here.

National Advisory Council on Minority Health and Health Disparities
NIMHD held the 60th meeting of the National Advisory Council on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NACMHD) on May 24, 2022. The NACMHD advises the Secretary of Health and Human Services, the NIH Director, and the NIMHD Director on matters related to the Institute’s mission. You can watch a video of the meeting here.

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Issue No. 121                                                                                May 24, 2022

Highlighted News and Announcements

Congratulations to Kevin Haggerty!
Congratulations to Kevin Haggerty, who has been honored as a Fellow of the Society for Prevention Research. This recognition is reserved for a select few who have made significant contributions to the field of prevention science. If you would like to honor Kevin at this year’s award ceremony, it will be held on June 2 from 5:45-6:30 at the annual SPR conference in Seattle. Congratulations, Kevin!

Grant Writer’s Boot Camp
The ALACRITY Center and the IMPACT Center at UW are offering a free boot camp to provide guidance and instruction to faculty submitting grant proposals to NIH in how to submit successful proposals focused on behavioral interventions and implementation strategies. Sessions are as follows:
May 27, 9:00-10:30am: Introduction to the NIH review process
June 2, 3:30-5:00pm: Specific Aims
June 7, 10:00-11:30am: Theory and Mechanisms
June 15, 2-3:30pm: Methods and Analysis
June 22, 12:00-01:30pm: Forms G/biosketch pointers
June 27, 3:30-5:00pm: Mock Review
July 21, 2:00-3:30pm: Responding to Reviewers
Click here to register (space is limited). Please direct any questions to

NIH Annual Snapshots
NIH recently published their annual metrics showing the cumulative investigator rate (awardees vs. applicants across mechanisms) and success rates. These, along with the NIH Data Book, can help researchers track summary statistics on grants and contracts and likelihood of success for applications.

Contact the Editor
The mission of the OFFER newsletter is to inform members of our social work community about a broad range of research-related events and opportunities with the goals of both encouraging and informing social work research activities. To assist us in providing this informationcontact Tasha Murphy by sending an email to (please put “OFFER eNews” in the subject line} with information on your publications or grants awarded in the last month, research funding opportunities, and upcoming research events. Thank you!

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Issue No. 120                                                                                May 17, 2022

Highlighted News and Announcements

Congratulations to SSW Recipients of the Population Health Initiative Tier 1 Pilot Grants
Three SSW faculty have received funding from the UW Population Health Initiative pilot grants program. Tess Abrahamson-Richards and Jennifer Romich‘s project, “Understanding the Impacts of Washington Paid Family Leave Policy on American Indian and Alaska Native Birthing Parents and Newborns”, will collect quantitative data to conduct a future study examining birth outcomes among first time AIAN birthing parents. Abril Harris is co-investigator on “Residential Segregation and Pediatric Injury and Violence in Seattle, Spokane, and Tacoma”, that will evaluate the association between residential segregation and the prevalence and severity of pediatric injury and violence in the three largest cities in WA. Congratulations to all the awardees!

Congratulations to Margaret Kuklinski!
The NIH HEAL Prevention Initiative has started a “Women in Prevention” series. Margaret Kuklinski was recently spotlighted in the HEAL Prevention Initiative newsletter, Progress in Opioid Misuse Prevention Research. Margaret is the co-chair of the HEAL Prevention Cooperative Economics Workgroup which includes HPC investigators who specialize in health economics and assess the cost-effectiveness of different types of substance use prevention interventions in adolescent and young adult populations. Congratulations, Margaret!

NIH Updated RPPR Instruction Guide
NIH has published an updated instructional guide for RPPRs (Research Performance Progress Reports). The new guide reflects changes associated with Other Support and Biosketch format pages, human subjects, trainee diversity report, and NRSA childcare costs reporting.

Grant Writer’s Boot Camp
The ALACRITY Center and the IMPACT Center at UW are offering a free boot camp to provide guidance and instruction to faculty submitting grant proposals to NIH in how to submit successful proposals focused on behavioral interventions and implementation strategies. Sessions are as follows:
May 27, 9:00-10:30am: Introduction to the NIH review process
June 2, 3:30-5:00pm: Specific Aims
June 7, 10:00-11:30am: Theory and Mechanisms
June 15, 2-3:30pm: Methods and Analysis
June 22, 12:00-01:30pm: Forms G/biosketch pointers
June 27, 3:30-5:00pm: Mock Review
July 21, 2:00-3:30pm: Responding to Reviewers
Click here to register (space is limited). Please direct any questions to

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Issue No. 118                                                                                May 3, 2022

Highlighted News and Announcements

Upcoming National Academy of Sciences Workshop
Structural Racism and Rigorous Models of Social Inequity
May 16, 2022, 7:00am-1:00pm
May 17, 2022, 6:00am-12:00pm

This workshop is designed to identify and discuss the sources and mechanisms through which structural racism operates. Invited experts will not only provide insights into known sources of structural racism and models of health equity, but also go beyond these to discuss novel sources and approaches. The workshop will help identify key research and data needs and priorities for future work on structural racism and health inequity. SSW Professor Michelle Johnson-Jennings will be a featured speaker at the workshop. Registration required.

Grant Writer’s Boot Camp
The ALACRITY Center and the IMPACT Center at UW are offering a free boot camp to provide guidance and instruction to faculty submitting grant proposals to NIH in how to submit successful proposals focused on behavioral interventions and implementation strategies. Sessions are as follows:
May 27, 9:00-10:30am: Introduction to the NIH review process
June 2, 3:30-5:00pm: Specific Aims
June 7, 10:00-11:30am: Theory and Mechanisms
June 15, 2-3:30pm: Methods and Analysis
June 22, 12:00-01:30pm: Forms G/biosketch pointers
June 27, 3:30-5:00pm: Mock Review
July 21, 2:00-3:30pm: Responding to Reviewers
Click here to register (space is limited). Please direct any questions to

Politically Sensitive Research Presentation Notes
Our thanks to speakers Karina Walters, Angelique Day, Denise Walker, and Mike Spencer for hosting OFFER’s Research Conversations Presentation on Politically Sensitive Research on April 13. If you were unable to attend this presentation and would like a summary of the discussion, please email Tasha Murphy (

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Issue No. 117                                                                                April 26, 2022

Highlighted News and Announcements

Funding Opportunity for SSW Researchers
Public Interest Technology Network Challenge
UW Internal deadline: April 29, 2022
Announcing an excellent opportunity for SSW researchers! Public Interest Technology Network (PIT UN) universities are trying innovative tactics to produce graduates with multiple fluencies at the intersection of technology and policy. For its fourth year, projects are encouraged in the following priority areas: Educational Offerings, Career Pipeline/Placement, Faculty & Institution Building, and Strengthening the PIT University Network. UW will put forward 3 proposals; to be considered, submit a 1-page letter of intent with a description of proposed objectives, work plan, impact, timeline, list of collaborators, total amount requested and matching fund source(s) along with a CV (not NIH format) of the PI to by 5:00pm Friday April 29.

Upcoming National Academy of Sciences Workshop
Structural Racism and Rigorous Models of Social Inequity
May 16, 2022, 7:00am-1:00pm
May 17, 2022, 6:00am-12:00pm

This workshop is designed to identify and discuss the sources and mechanisms through which structural racism operates. Invited experts will not only provide insights into known sources of structural racism and models of health equity, but also go beyond these to discuss novel sources and approaches. The workshop will help identify key research and data needs and priorities for future work on structural racism and health inequity. SSW Professor Michelle Johnson-Jennings will be a featured speaker at the workshop. Registration required.

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Issue No. 116                                                                                April 19, 2022

Highlighted News and Announcements

Funding Opportunity for SSW Researchers
Public Interest Technology Network Challenge
UW Internal deadline: April 29, 2022
Announcing an excellent opportunity for SSW researchers! Public Interest Technology Network (PIT UN) universities are trying innovative tactics to produce graduates with multiple fluencies at the intersection of technology and policy. For its fourth year, projects are encouraged in the following priority areas: Educational Offerings, Career Pipeline/Placement, Faculty & Institution Building, and Strengthening the PIT University Network. UW will put forward 3 proposals; to be considered, submit a 1-page letter of intent with a description of proposed objectives, work plan, impact, timeline, list of collaborators, total amount requested and matching fund source(s) along with a CV (not NIH format) of the PI to by 5:00pm Friday April 29.
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Issue No. 115                                                                     April 12, 2022

Highlighted News and Announcements

Congratulations to Rona Levy, Margaret Kuklinski, and Jen Bailey!
Congratulations to Drs. Rona Levy and her colleague Tonya Palermo (Seattle Children’s Hospital) who, in collaboration with SDRG’s Drs. Margaret Kuklinski and Jen Bailey, have been awarded a five year NIH grant for a study entitled “Randomized controlled trial of an internet-based prevention intervention for young children at-risk for functional abdominal pain.” Rona explains “I am very excited about this study which will bring full circle into the prevention realm much of the observation and then intervention research our team has conducted over decades on the intergenerational transmission of the management of chronic pain and illness.”

Congratulations to Melissa Martinson and Tessa Evans-Campbell!
The Population Health Initiative has announced the award of eight Tier 2 pilot grants, and two of the funded projects (RODIS and STIM A SPU’US) include School of Social Work faculty! Congratulations to Melissa Martinson for the project “Population-Based Administrative Data to Understand Child Maltreatment and the Pandemic- The Risk of Death and Serious Injury Study (RODIS)” and Tessa Evans-Campbell for the project “STIM A SPU’US (“What’s In Your Heart”): A Culturally Adapted, Trauma Informed Parenting Intervention for the Colville Tribes”.

Funding Opportunity for SSW Researchers
Public Interest Technology Network Challenge
UW Internal deadline: April 29, 2022
Announcing an excellent opportunity for SSW researchers! Public Interest Technology Network (PIT UN) universities are trying innovative tactics to produce graduates with multiple fluencies at the intersection of technology and policy. For its fourth year, projects are encouraged in the following priority areas: Educational Offerings, Career Pipeline/Placement, Faculty & Institution Building, and Strengthening the PIT University Network. UW will put forward 3 proposals; to be considered, submit a 1-page letter of intent with a description of proposed objectives, work plan, impact, timeline, list of collaborators, total amount requested and matching fund source(s) along with a CV (not NIH format) of the PI to by 5:00pm Friday April 29.

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Highlighted News and Announcements

Funding Opportunity for SSW Researchers
Public Interest Technology Network Challenge
UW Internal deadline: April 29, 2022
Announcing an excellent opportunity for SSW researchers! Public Interest Technology Network (PIT UN) universities are trying innovative tactics to produce graduates with multiple fluencies at the intersection of technology and policy. For its fourth year, projects are encouraged in the following priority areas: Educational Offerings, Career Pipeline/Placement, Faculty & Institution Building, and Strengthening the PIT University Network. UW will put forward 3 proposals; to be considered, submit a 1-page letter of intent with a description of proposed objectives, work plan, impact, timeline, list of collaborators, total amount requested and matching fund source(s) along with a CV (not NIH format) of the PI to by 5:00pm Friday April 29.

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Issue No. 113                                                                     March 29, 2022

Highlighted News and Announcements

Congratulations Margaret Kuklinski and SDRG!
Please join us in congratulating Margaret Kuklinski, who was awarded a $1.5 million grant from the FORE Foundation. Margaret’s project, “Northwest Center for Family Support: Building Statewide Capacity to Implement Evidence-Based Interventions in Families with Opioid Use Disorder”! The FORE Foundation funds support organizations that are improving or expanding evidence-based opioid use disorder prevention strategies for children and families at highest risk across the U.S. Margaret’s project was one 9 selected for these funds out of more than 400 submissions. Well done, Margaret!

Congratulations Tess Abrahamson-Richards!
Tess Abrahamson-Richards, a first year doctoral student in the Social Welfare program, was selected as an awardee for the Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship, a 3-year fellowship that aims to facilitate the academic, intellectual, and professional development of individuals who have demonstrated superior scholarship, are committed to a career in teaching and research at the university level, show promise of future achievement as scholars and teachers, and are prepared to use diversity as a resource for enriching the education of all students. Way to go, Tess!

NIH New Data Sharing Requirements
The NIH has announced new policies related to data sharing. Starting January 3, researchers funded by NIH will need to provide a formal, detailed data management plan for publicly sharing the data generated by their research. Researchers will also be required to share all the scientific data that other teams would need in order to validate and replicate the original research findings. For more information, click here.

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Issue No. 112                                                                     March 22, 2022

Highlighted News and Announcements

Clinical Social Work Journal: Call for Papers
Clinical Social Work Journal seeks original manuscripts dedicated to advancing knowledge and clinical social work practice on the topic of Child Welfare: Current Realities and Future Possibilities in Clinical Social Work Practice. The journal is interested in innovative clinical social work practice approaches to delivery of child welfare services to children and families from initial entry into system to exit via family reunification, adoption, or aging out of the system. Please email Tasha Murphy at for information on how to prepare and submit your abstract. Abstracts are due May 31, 2022; manuscript deadline is September 30, 2022.

NIH Request for Nominations for Sexual & Gender Minority Research Investigator Awards Program
The NIH Sexual & Gender minority Research Office requests nominations for NIH’s 2022 SGM Research Investigator Awards Program, which was developed to recognize investigators who have made substantial, outstanding research contributions in areas related to SGM health and well-being. Awards are given to early-stage investigators (ESI) who are poised to become future leaders in the field.  Nominations are due on April 30, 2022. Click here for more information.

NIH Request for Nominations for the 2022 James Jackson Memorial Award
NIMH is seeking nominations for the 2nd annual James Jackson Memorial Award, which honors a researcher who has demonstrated exceptional individual achievement and leadership in mental health disparities research and excellence in mentorship, influence, and support of trainees. Click here for more information.

NIH Invites Feedback on their Strategic Plan Framework for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility
The NIH-Wide Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) Strategic Plan was released earlier this week (NOT-OD-22-061). Your input on the framework as the plan is developed is encouraged. Feedback will help ensure that DEIA principles continue to be embraced and integrated across NIH going forward. Feedback should be sent electronically by April 3, 2022.

NIH Request for Information: Seeking Stakeholder Actionable Input to Improve Research on Health and Well-being for Asians, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders
The National Institute of Health (NIH) seeks information and actionable recommendations on research gaps, needs, best practices, innovative study designs and measurement, resources and data resources, and opportunities to enhance health disparities research, and to promote equity and improve Asian and Native Hawaiian, and Other Pacific Islander health and well-being. Responses will be accepted through April 6, 2022.

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