Open calls for The 2015 ______ Monologues (previously known as The Vagina Monologues) are now open! Sign up for an open call

Open Calls are set for

*  Wednesday, Nov. 19th @ 3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
*  Thursday, Nov. 20th @ 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
*  Friday, Nov. 21st @ 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
*  Monday, Nov. 24th @ 2:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
*  Locations are TBA.

What are The _____ Monologues?
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The School of Social Work’s Mindfulness Meditation Group (MMG) is excited to announce its first ever meeting!  Come join us on Sunday, November 23 from 3:00pm – 5:00pm in room 305.  This group is open to people of all levels of experience and interest.  We will be meeting to practice mindfulness, stress reduction, meditation, gentle movement, and to share ideas about incorporating mindfulness into our self-care practices and work with others.  If you have any questions please feel free to contact Mikaela Harf, Jennifer Given-Helms, or Molly Klekamp We hope to see you there!

fold dancing Read more

Graduate student Happy Hour @ the Burke & the 1000 words challenge!

Grad student hh

We are looking for engaging and motivated graduate and undergraduate students who want to make a difference to underrepresented youth in Seattle.  Starting this spring, you can begin your training to become a Seattle MESA math and science tutor for high school students.

WHO: Engaging and motivated UW graduate and undergraduate students who want to work with high school students from underrepresented groups.  We are looking for students who want training and experience working in local Seattle schools with a cohort of trained peers.  MESA tutors must attend a MESA STEM Tutor Training Basic Skills workshop (offered spring and autumn quarters), enroll in our weekly seminar (offered autumn and winter quarters) and commit to working 2-3 hours per week in Seattle Public Schools.  And in case you were wondering….STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering/Environment and Math.

WHAT: Join the Seattle MESA Tutor Training Program.  Seattle MESA provides enrichment opportunities and high quality resources that inspire students underrepresented in STEM fields, to pursue education and careers in math, engineering and science (  We are offering a tutor training and certification for UW graduate and undergraduate students to work with Seattle middle and high school students from underrepresented groups in math and science.  Sign up now to start our training program this spring! Read more

Celebrating the Year of the Horse and creating healthy families with healthy communities!

When: Saturday, February 8th, 2014 from 9:00am-12:00pm

Where: Bailey Gatzert Elementary School
1301 E Yesler Way, Seattle

Please join us!

*Live cultural entertainment and a surprise performance 🙂
*Cool T-shirt
*Intergenerational fun
*Free prizes

Please register for your team at

If you cannot make it to the walkathon and would like to donate or sponsor a participant, please donate to either Sunshine Garden or Family Caregiver Support.
Have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at

Come and show your support! Free T shirt for each participant! Hope to see everyone there!



Enhance your Presentation and Communication Skills


Toastmasters is a great opportunity for UW students, UW staff and community members to enhance public speaking, professional networking, interviewing, and leadership skills while gaining confidence.


Join Husky Toastmasters for our Open House with Kate Curtis, President of Communication Tactics, Inc. & Husky Toastmaster Secretary in her presentation on “Grounded in Strength: Powerful Presentation Skills for 2014”

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Undocumented and Unafraid: Stories from the Front Lines of the Fight for Migrant Justice
w/Youth activists Claudia Muñoz and Luis Leon

6:30pm-8:30pm. UW Ethnic Cultural Center, Unity Room, 3931 Brooklyn Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98105.

Claudia Muñoz and Luis Leon, members of the National Immigrant Youth Alliance and, on a national speaking tour, will be visiting the University of Washington to speak about their cutting edge work around immigration and the use of direct action by undocumented immigrants. Both organizations were recently featured in the June 21st episode of This American Life (listen here: ).

Claudia Muñoz was born and raised in Monterrey, Mexico until the age of 16. Due to economic hardship and increased drug cartel activity in her hometown of Santa Catarina, Claudia was forced to relocate to Austin, TX with her older sister in 2001. In Texas, Claudia attended high school and eventually college at Prairie View A&M University from where she graduated in 2009. Claudia was involved with in-state tuition fights and other local and national issues affecting her and her community since roughly 2004. In early 2013, Claudia co-founded the Texas Undocumented Youth Alliance, which focuses on fighting deportations and working on other issues that affect the local undocumented community. In 2012, Claudia’s nephew was placed in deportation proceedings. After seeing her own family almost torn apart, Claudia decided to participate in the NIYA infiltration of Calhoun County Jail, where roughly 150 immigrants are housed. During the 19 days that she was detained, Claudia found many issues, including lack of proper medical attention for detainees, intimidation tactics used by ICE and jail officers to get detainees to sign Voluntary Departure, violation of the Morton low-priority memo, among many others. Claudia is non-DACA eligible but was eventually released thanks to community pressure. She now lives in Texas where she continues organizing with the TUYA and NIYA.  Read more



Inviting Staff, Students & Faculty (Children are welcome!)

Sponsored by: Office of Field Education, Student Services &

SSW Art Committee
Date: Thursday, October 31, 2013
Time: 12:00-2:00PM
Location: SSW Gallery (1st Floor)
Menu: Please Bring a Potluck Item to Share
(Soups, Pies, Pumpkin Items, Crackers & Sweets)

Contact: Stan de Mello at or
Linda Ruffer at if You Have Questions
**Enjoy Food, Music & Pumpkin Carving
**Prizes for Best Soup, Pie & Pumpkin Carving


Design Help Desk
Thursdays, 4-6 p.m., Allen Library Research Commons, Green C
The Design Help Desk offers free advice for members of the University of Washington community who are seeking to improve their visuals for presentation and publication. Clients can bring any visual work related to their research or teaching—including figures, diagrams, data plots, presentations and posters—and receive help from a designer on staff. Design consultants are Design Division graduate students.

ACA Poster_v3

A couple of weeks into fall quarter some of us may find ourselves wrestling with those all too familiar feelings of self-doubt: Am I qualified to be here? My fellow students seem to understand everything in the readings and lectures and have it all together; why don’t I? Does everyone else belong here but me? Will they figure out soon that they made a mistake in admitting me?

This line of thinking is often referred to as “Imposter Syndrome” and you may be surprised to hear that many of your fellow students, colleagues, and professors are likely feeling their own version of this, too, even if they don’t appear to be. Read more

All are invited to…

The Coalition of Anti-Racist Whites’

December Public Workshop

Saturday, December 7th 2013

11:00pm to 3:00pm

*Light lunch will be provided*

Downtown YMCA (909 4th Ave, Seattle, WA 98104)

RSVP to Becca at // (206) 802-8813

*This workshop is for anyone interested in getting involved in CARW to support racial justice organizing in Seattle*

The Coalition of Anti-Racist Whites (CARW) is holding a public workshop on Saturday, December 7th. This workshop is a free training opportunity for white folks new to anti-racist organizing in Seattle and interested in CARW’s work.

Starting in 2012, CARW’s monthly meetings are now specifically for CARW Member Organizers, and this public workshop is for those who are not Members, but are interested in learning more about becoming a Member Organizer to support anti-racist organizing in Seattle. We also know there are many white people out there, including CARW Base Supporters, who have been interested in CARW’s annual White Anti-Racist Organizing Institute but have not been able to participate for various reasons. If this sounds like you, we encourage you to attend this workshop.

During the 4-hour session we will be present some of the anti-racist analysis that is foundational to CARW’s work. We hope this training helps propel you on your journey to becoming a stronger white ally for racial justice in your relationships, family, work, school, or volunteer activities.

This is the workshop to attend if you are a new to CARW or a base supporter who has not been through the Organizing Institute. Read more

Metro is introducing a new subscription email list for accessibility issues. We’ll use it to let subscribers know about changes to Metro services and programs that are likely to affect customers with disabilities. We’ll also use it to let subscribers know about opportunities to provide feedback on accessibility-related issues. If you’re interested in subscribing, please follow the link below to sign up.

Subscribe »

King County Metro is celebrating Disability Awareness Month (October) with a campaign called We Are Metro.

When we work together, more of us can get to our destinations safely and on time. This month we’re highlighting what each of us can do to make the journey better for everyone. Check out this post from Metro’s Transit Advisory Commission to learn more about what’s happening.

As part of our campaign, we want to hear from you. Share your stories and pictures on our blog or on Facebook, tweet us at @kcmetrobus, or use the hashtag #WeAreMetro.

A First Hand Look at the Women of Tunisia
by Johnna White & UW Women’s Center Program Update

Saturday, October 19, 2013 – 9:30am – 12 pm

University of Washington, Parrington Hall, Seattle

Open to the general public – No need to be member to attend.

Following our very successful meeting held on the University of Washington campus last fall, AAUW-Seattle members and their guests are once again invited to the campus as guests of the UW Women’s Center, which is an AAUW Member Partner of the Seattle branch.  

Johnna White, Program Manager in the Women’s Center and graduate student at the Evans School of Public Affairs, will talk about her recent trip to Tunisia where she was hosted for two weeks by the Center for Arab Women Training and Research.  Johnna will briefly discuss her experiences in Tunis, including the various perspectives that the Tunisian women and men shared with her on the evolving status of women pre- and post-revolution and their outlook for the future.

Following Johnna’s talk, we will hear an update on some of the other amazing achievements and programs of the Women’s Center.  There will also be representatives from various student women’s groups on campus at the meeting, and we will update them on the benefits of AAUW.  Please join us for this fabulous meeting with our UW Women’s Center partners! Read more

Open Community Sessions
Integrated Dance Summer Intensive 2013
Dance Program UW, Seattle

The annual Integrated Dance Summer Intensive offers two open community sessions as part of the evening program.

These classes are free of charge and suitable for a diversity of participants, at all levels of training. Recommended age range 16 and older.

IDSI 2013 website

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Our untold stories will be told.

What are Asian and Pacific Islander women’s experiences with mental illness and mental health?

How do Asian and Pacific Islander women’s multiple identities intersect, shape and influence unique experiences of mental illness?

How can we seek a deeper connection with our Asian and Pacific Islander American communities around issues and experiences of mental illness?

What does the journey to mental health look like for Asian and Pacific Islander American women experiencing mental illness?

Asian and Pacific Islander American (APIA) women experience mental illness at higher levels than that of the general population, yet such experiences have been marginalized and have largely gone untold.  These experiences, ranging from experiences of depression and anxiety, to suicidal ideation and attempts, are complex and nuanced, fitting into and not into expressions of Western medical models.  While numbers and quantitative studies have sought to capture the experiences of APIA women and mental illness, the narratives underlying such studies need to be voiced.  These experiences have also been undeservedly shrouded in shame and embodied in cultural taboos.

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Dear Friends,We are ecstatic to announce The Cortos Y Fuertes / Short & Strong Student Film Competition, sponsored by the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor and UNITE HERE

Short and Strong is a film competition meant to create a space for youth to tell their immigrant stories.

This student film competition is meant for students of all ages. We want youth to be creative and resourceful, using whatever means accessible to create their stories (even cell phones). The youth of this country is one of the strongest we have; it’s time to let that voice be heard.

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MSW ADV YR DAY Video Shoot

*****THIS Friday 5/17 4:15-5:30PM*****
(if you must show up late we will find a place for you!)

Meet us in Room 116 (on the Gallery floor)!

-Conference scene with “Super Social Workers” around the table with an “insurance representative.”
– Grant writing scene
-“Hanging out,” mainly standing someone lipping the lyrics and looking cool!
– Pretty much having a great time with our fellow classmates!

Your grammy, you aunty, your mommy, your daddy… EVERYONE and anyone!

What to bring:
Dress in business/ professional attire (or what professional is at your practicum)! If you have any calculators that would GREAT!!!! Any fun items that would be good/funny in the conference room!
And any fun, cool accessories that we could rock during the “hanging out” part (boas, sun glasses, hats, wigs, etc).

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