The Graduate and Professional Student Senate is hosting another drag show on Friday, May 17th at 5:30 pm at the the Kelly Ethnic Cultural Theatre (3930 Brooklyn Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98105).

Tickets are free — the show starts at 6:00 pm featuring Kylie Mooncakes, Sid Seedy, Clara Voyance, and Viper Fengz. Please bring your government-issued ID as this is a 21+ event. We will be serving alcohol from 5:30 pm to 6:00 pm. 

We have limited tickets (75 total) for this event — you will receive an email confirmation at least 3 days before the event, if not, you will be placed on a waitlist:


The Office of Graduate Student Equity and Excellence (GSEE) invites you to celebrate with your fellow graduate students, your milestones, your achievements, and all the big things yet to come at GSEE’s Spring Soirée 2024! Our theme this year is Renaissance (GSEE’s Version):Looking Toward the Future. We are astonished by the GSEE graduates who have crossed boundaries, overcome adversity, and balanced the weighty and real things of life and academia. Yet here you are, chasing and accomplishing your dreams! We will have student speakers, an informal cording ceremony, a photobooth to capture all your memories, music by DJ Kewl WIP, catered cuisine, swag and treats!  

The event will be held at the wǝɫǝbʔaltxʷ – Intellectual House. Doors will open at 5:00 pm and the program will begin at 5:30 pm. Closing remarks will be at 8:30 pm. Please be sure to RSVP here

Your Graduate & Professional Student Senate (GPSS) is holding a Diversity Resources Fair in Intellectual House on Saturday, April 27th from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm. This is an opportunity for students to help connect students with identity, cultural resources, and opportunities at UW and our surrounding community. 

The Mixed/Multiracial Student, Faculty, and Staff Affinity group is organizing a time to gather at the School of Social Work for folx who identify as Mixed and/or Multiracial. Bring your lunch and join us Friday, April 26th Noon – 1 pm @ SSW RM 116 (near the Gallery). We hope the time spent in shared community fills your cup with connection and belonging here at the School of Social Work. 

We look forward to seeing you soon!

SSW Mixed is a UW School of Social Work Mix/Multiracial Affinity Group for all students, faculty, and staff who identify as Mixed or Multiracial. 

Faculty Advisor: 

Shawnti Johnson

UW School of Social Work Community – SWAPI Members (SWAPI is a UW School of Social Work AANHPI Affinity Group for MSW, BASW, and PhD students, staff, and faculty who identify as Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander)

Please save the dates for the Spring Quarter SWAPI Events:

Thursday, 4/18, 5:30-7pm – SWAPI Dumpling Making Party, Room TBD in the SSW, RSVP by Monday, 4/15 so we can get food count for meat and vegetarian dumplings:

Saturday, 4/20, 4:30-5:45pm Dinner, 6-8pm – Book Event ““Where I Belong: Healing Trauma and Embracing Asian American Identity,” published by Tarcher Perigee discussion with Yellow Chairs co directors at Mam’s Bookstore in the CID (Chinatown International District). You can RSVP here and read more details here. SWAPI dinner before the event at 4:30pm in the CID. Dinner RSVP by emailing Saul ( or Shannon McKinney (

Thursday, May 9, 5:30-7:30pm,– UW School of Social Work AANHPI “Telling Our Stories” – digital stories and other AANHPI student, faculty, and staff stories, poems, and art. School wide event (open to the whole school and those outside of SWAPI are welcome) – Location tbd within SSW location. RSVP to come out later. Food provided.

Thursday, May 23, 5:30-7:30pm, SWAPI Graduation party. Location and details to come out later.

Summer Quarter!

Saturday, June 29, 9-1pm, UW SSW and SWAPI – Walk for Rice at Seward Park, ACRS (Asian Counseling and Referral Service’s) fundraiser for their food bank. Open to everyone in the school! Join our team or donate!

Hope to see you all soon!

As you know, students are entitled to free, short-term counseling and group therapy while enrolled at UW (and one quarter post-enrollment!).  There is a new shared space for students, named the Between Cultures group- held Wednesdays from 3-4:30pm, with openings for spring quarter 2024. 

Interested students should email Lev Cunningham directly ( to schedule a brief intake, and be referred to the group facilitator, Saysha Clark (who is absolutely wonderful and an alum of our SSW school).

Group Description: “Between Cultures is an ongoing group for students who are connected to and identify with multiple cultures but may struggle with finding a full sense of belonging to these cultures. We will gather to support each other with our challenges, and also to celebrate our strengths.”

We’ll be meeting via Zoom on Thursday, May 18th, at 6pm. All students, staff, faculty, and administrators of color are welcome to join.

You can access (using UW zoom credentials) the recording here.

SWAPI is a UW School of Social Work Affinity Group for students, staff, and faculty who identify as Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander

Please save the Date for our next SWAPI meeting Thursday, May 4 from 5:30-6:30pm in the UW SSW building room 306. This will be vision boarding and hanging out so there’s no zoom for this meeting.

SWAPI Graduation Party Friday, May 19, around 4-6pm, location TBD

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to SWAPI Student Leads and Faculty Leads:

Rio Hindami

katt Purington

Jennifer Brower

Saul Tran Cornwall

See you Thursday, May 4, 5:30-6:30pm!

Greetings from the Social Workers for Environmental Justice student group!

Please see the information below about an Earth Day rally/march on April 22nd starting at noon.

As social workers, we know that marginalized communities are hit first and hardest by the impacts of climate change.  Please join us in encouraging Seattle to set large building decarbonization standards that align with the urgency of the climate crisis.  Electrification of large buildings will include schools, libraries, and large apartment buildings that will benefit many of those most at risk of climate impacts.  Plus, electrification will often involve moving to heat pumps which can provide air conditioning during our increasing summer heat!

The event will be family friendly and include some great theater, dance, and art!

The Sexual Assault and Relationship Violence Activists (SARVA) of the Associated Students of the University of Washington (ASUW) are advocating to expand reporting options for survivors through Title IX to include informal resolution processes. An informal resolution process can take many forms, but in a broad sense is an action-oriented agreement written by the harmed party (survivor/victim), and voluntarily agreed to by the party who caused the harm. In doing so, we are asking UW students of all backgrounds to provide their perspectives on the reporting processes offered at UW for those who have experienced sexual or relationship violence, the gaps in those processes, and how they envision those gaps being addressed, through the attached survey.


Here is the survey

GPSS Elections

The GPSS Election Guide for 2023-2024 is attached. The election will be held during our Wednesday, May 3, 2023 Senate meeting. For inquiries related to these elections, please email

The GPSS officers set the organization’s goals, implement Senate directives, communicate goals and actions to the University and students, and report on progress toward achieving these directives. To that end, the GPSS Officers hold regular meetings of the Senate, a forum for graduate and professional students to voice their concerns and give direction to the GPSS.


To ensure that all officers have the capacity to complete these responsibilities, each position is compensated for working 19.5 hours a week for the entire year, starting in June. Officers earn a wage equivalent to the salary of a TA or RA, receive graduate appointment health insurance, and their tuition is paid by the GPSS.


Candidates are required to attend at least three (3) GPSS meetings (inclusive of Senate and Committee meetings) during the 2022-2023 academic year prior to the Elections Meeting. If a candidate is unable to attend three (3) meetings prior to the Elections Meeting, please contact the Elections Committee to discuss the option of an exception ( For information about specific positions or meetings, please consult the Election Guide and current officers:

Filing for Candidacy

Please see page 14 of the Election Guide for details on how to file for candidacy. Notably, in addition to statements and forms enclosed, candidates should prepare and submit:

  • Statement of objectives (1-2 pages, 11pt font, double spaced)
  • Optional: Resume (1-2 pages)

Election materials received before Thursday, April 27, 2023 will be shared to our Senate the following day.


SWAPI is a UW School of Social Work Affinity Group for students, staff, and faculty who identify as Asian and/or Pacific Islander


Please save the Date for our next SWAPI meeting on Thursday, March 9 from 5:30-6:30pm on zoom only. Since many of us will be traveling for spring break the following week, we decided to move our meeting to zoom for March.

As requested – the topic will be Private Practice and we will have UW SSW alumni talk about their clinical private practice. We will have a panel of 4 private practice clinicians.

Please RSVP to get the zoom link here:

April’s SWAPI meeting will be Thursday, April 13 from 5:30-7pm in person and on zoom for another requested topic of getting a PhD, research, and all things PhD with two tenured track professors – Dr. Jane Lee and Dr. David Huh. The SWAPI Meeting(s) in May will probably be vision boards, alumni panel, and graduation party.


If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to SWAPI Faculty Advisors or Student Leads:

Jennifer Brower

Saul Tran Cornwall

Rio Hindami

katt Purington

The UW School of Social Work Transracial Adoptee Group (TAG) invites all BIPOC adoptee students, staff, and faculty across all three campuses to attend our Winter 2023 potluck! The potluck will be held on Wednesday, February 22, 2023 at 6:30pm PST in Room 306 of the School of Social Work building (4101 15th Avenue NE, Seattle, WA 98105-6299)

TAG is a student-led affinity group that offers support and community building to transracial adoptees at the University of Washington School of Social Work. Along with providing transracial adoptees an inclusive space to share stories, TAG is committed to increasing efforts to amplify the voices of adoptees in the classroom and on campus.

TAG and this event are open to all BIPOC adoptees that are current UW students, staff, and faculty, as well as previous TAG alumni.


The UW SSW Social Work Asian & Pacific Islander (SWAPI)  Affinity Group will have a Lunar New Year Potluck on Thursday, February 9 from 5:30-7pm in Room 305 in the UW SSW Blg.

Please RSVP using this link:

 There will not be a zoom option since it’s going to be a time to hang out without a formal meeting.

SWAPI is a UW School of Social Work Affinity Group for students, staff, and faculty who identify as Asian and/or Pacific Islander. 

Meetings are the 2nd Thursday of every month at 5:30pm. The next one will be a panel discussion about careers on Thursday, 3/9 at 5:30pm-6:30pm


If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to SWAPI Faculty Advisors or Student Leads:

Jennifer Brower

Saul Tran Cornwall

Rio Hindami

katt Purington

You Are Invited for the ‘23 Planning Meeting for the Anti-Racism & White Allyship Group! (ARWAG)


reminder that the SSW Mixed/Multiracial Affinity Group will be meeting February 6th from 6pm-7pm. You can access the Zoom link using your UW NetID.

 Ongoing meetings will be held on the 1st Monday of the month from 6pm-7pm, via Zoom; this is so that the Day and EDP student, faculty & staff community can participate from wherever we may be during that time.

 If you’re not able to attend meetings this quarter or would like to be added to the listserv for information sharing and informal meetup notifications, please send us your name and UW email to


About us: This affinity group holds space for SSW students, staff, and faculty who self-identify as BIPOC, including Black, Indigenous, People of Color, Brown, Asian & Pacific Islander, Mixed & Multiracial folks.

Please just us for our next informal gathering – we look forward to getting to know folks and planning for future activities. We will meet potluck style (bring something to share if you are able) on  Thursday, November 17th from 5:00-6:30 in room 305 at the School of Social Work!  Feel free to bring your own meal if that’s more comfortable, or just bring yourself!

To help us better plan for upcoming activities please complete our FALL survey [] – we appreciate your input!  We also encourage our BIPOC community members to join our email listserv to stay in touch!

The Mixed/Multiracial Affinity group is a space that offers support and education around the complexities of being a mixed identified person and where we can discuss the multidimensionality of the mixed experience. Do you identify as multiracial/mixed race/multiethnic? Do you sometimes mark a single racial category on your forms though your parents and/or grandparents are of two or more differing races? Would you like to be in community where others will give you the head nod because we truly get it, without question, when you talk about your racialized identity?

Did you answer these questions with a big YES! Then we are excited to be in community with you. Please plan to join us from wherever you are, however you are, at our virtual meet up on 11/21 at 5:30-6:30. You can register here [] with your UWNet ID & email to get the link.

If you aren’t able to make it to the virtual meet up, please add yourself to the listserv at to stay updated on the up and coming goings on for the group.

Posted on behalf of the Social Workers for Environmental Justice Group



The Social Workers for Environmental Justice would like to invite any interested student to join us for our first meeting on Sunday, October 16th from 2:00-3:00 via Zoom.  We are looking forward to an engaging conversation around the vision and activities of this group for the coming year as well as setting our schedule for meetings going forward.

Please join us if you are interested in learning more!

Ryan Driscoll (he/him)

Student facilitator, SW for EJ Group

Zoom Link []


Meeting Agenda []

Dear SSW Students,

Are you committed to making the SSW a more socially just learning community? Do you want to develop your leadership skills? The SSW Student Advisory Council (SAC) is looking to fill vacancies for this academic year.

SAC is a group comprised of student representatives from each cohort and staff/faculty advisors. SAC has worked hard to create a myriad of student centered changes at the UW School of Social Work. SAC has worked with the SSW administration to continue to develop shared governance, a process where students would have increased input in the running of the School of Social Work. SAC is where students like you can build the confidence needed to advocate for future clients in large bureaucratic organizations by advocating for your cohort in the complex university systems. SAC also brings energy to community building efforts and creates opportunities for engaging with your classmates and building connections, such as the SAC Spring Fling  hosted in May.

Read more

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