

If you are experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms or have experienced a possible or known exposure, please follow the procedures that can be accessed at https://www.ehs.washington.edu/covid-19-prevention-and-response/covid-19-case-and-exposure-guidance and https://www.ehs.washington.edu/system/files/resources/COVID-19-public-health-flowchart.pdf. If you have any questions that are not addressed by the procedures outlined through this link, please contact Dr. Gerald Tolbert at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



There are important events in one's life that should not be missed. Please try to schedule them during vacation time. For events that cannot be re-arranged (presentation at a conference, interview, wedding, etc.) we will allow 2 days. For personal/family medical emergencies, please contact the clerkship director to make special arrangements.

CLICK HERE to read the attendance and absentee policy used by all clerkships.

We want you to feel comfortable asking your preceptors for time to meet your own healthcare needs during the clerkship.  Please let me know if this is not the case.

CLICK HERE to read the healthcare policy used by all clerkships.

You may not start your clerkship before nor finish after the scheduled clinical block dates. Finally, let your team/preceptor know about absences as soon as possible. Unexcused or unannounced absences will affect your grade.


Student healthcare

The UWSOM supports students’ access to healthcare and strongly encourages them to obtain and maintain health insurance while enrolled at the UWSOM. The consolidated content on the links below has been created by collaboration between students and the UWSOM student affairs to ease of referencing for student related health information.

Student Health Insurance
Healthcare Access for Medical Students
SOM-Telehealth Program for Medical Students



Work Hours Policy for Required and Elective Clerkships

The goals of medical students and the faculty of the School of Medicine are one and the same: to get the best medical education possible while not ignoring overall health and happiness. Attention needs to be paid to both work hours and personal time.

Work hour rules have been developed for residents, but similar rules have not been developed for medical students. There are obvious differences in terms of goals, reimbursement, and responsibilities between residents and students. Nonetheless, some guidelines for students are as follows.

Clerkships WITH call:

  1. No more than 80 hours of awake time in the hospital per week.
  2. Post-call, if you did not sleep, go home at the same time as the intern or resident, within 30 hours of starting the prior day.
  3. Post-call, if you slept at least 5 hours, you should stay through the working day.
  4. You should have at least one full day off per week, averaged over a month.
  5. No matter how many hours you have worked, always check out with the team before leaving for the day.


Clerkships WITHOUT call:

  1. No more than 80 hours of awake time in the hospital per week.
  2. Parking and transportation issues may demand you leave the hospital by a certain time.
  3. Feel free to come in early or stay late. Family and personal obligations are important and need to be balanced.
  4. You should have at least one full day off per week, averaged over a month.
  5. No matter how many hours you have worked, always check out with the team before leaving for the day.

Hours will not be specifically logged unless you feel it is necessary because of a potential violation. If you are working close to the 80-hour limit, please document your hours for the week in question and present these to your Site Director as soon as possible; your work schedule will be modified as appropriate. Also document any violation of the 30-hour policy for overnight call. Further concerns should be brought to the attention of the Clerkship Director. You will never be discriminated against for following the work hours policy.


Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure

Please CLICK HERE to find the latest information regarding bloodborne pathogen exposure