Information for Visiting Students

We encourage visiting students to take one of the neurology clerkship options, especially if the student is interested in the adult or pediatric neurology residency programs at the University of Washington. Applications are accepted through VSAS/VSLO, the Visiting Student Application Service. Please note that approval of your application does NOT guarantee you a spot in the elective for which you are applying as spaces are limited and applications are approved and accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

To learn about the application process and eligibility requirements, please read the information on the Visiting Student Program website (link below). The Clinical Elective Block Schedule is also listed at this site.

To learn more about our scholarship opportunities for visiting students see here:


Adult Neurology Clerkship (NEURL 686): Space is limited for this core clerkship (not a sub-I). We will do our best to give students the opportunity.

Pediatric Neurology (NEURL 688): Visiting students are welcome to apply for any rotation dates for this elective clerkship. Course description is in the left-hand menu.

Epilepsy and Clinical EEG (NEURL 685): Visiting students are welcome to apply for any rotation dates for this elective clerkship. Course description is in the left-hand menu.


2024-25 Timeline

2/6/2024:  VSLO Elective Catalog “visible” to visiting students
3/1/2024:  VSLO Elective Catalog “active” and visiting students can begin submitting applications
4/1/2024:  Scheduling of visiting students at UW begins