News from NWBioSpecimen

February 2016

2015 NWBioSpecimen Survey Results

February 29, 2016 in Events

NWBioSpecimen conducted a survey to gauge the satisfaction of users during calendar year 2015. The survey results are now available.

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Beyond isolated cells: microfluidic transport of large tissue for pancreatic cancer diagnosis

February 29, 2016 in Publications, Pancreas

3D microscopes may fundamentally change pathology and aid pathologists in the early detection/diagnosis of cancer as they may permit rapid biopsy interrogation by circumventing many standardized steps. This research which has received significant academic and media attention since 2014 is a collaborative/interdisciplinary project, where human biopsies provided by NWBioSpecimen are used in whole sample processing (“pathology-in-a-tube”), tissue transport and specimen optical clearing using our custom microfluidic device, benchtop experimental setups and 3D microscope.

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