News from NWBioSpecimen


Beyond isolated cells: microfluidic transport of large tissue for pancreatic cancer diagnosis

February 29, 2016 in Publications, Pancreas

3D microscopes may fundamentally change pathology and aid pathologists in the early detection/diagnosis of cancer as they may permit rapid biopsy interrogation by circumventing many standardized steps. This research which has received significant academic and media attention since 2014 is a collaborative/interdisciplinary project, where human biopsies provided by NWBioSpecimen are used in whole sample processing (“pathology-in-a-tube”), tissue transport and specimen optical clearing using our custom microfluidic device, benchtop experimental setups and 3D microscope.

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A Distributed Network for Intensive Longitudinal Monitoring in Metastatic Triple-Neg Breast Cancer

January 26, 2016 in Publications, Breast

UW Medicine’s Center for Cancer Innovation (CCI), founded by C. Anthony (Tony) Blau, M.D., published an article in the Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network in January 2016 using research biospecimens prospectively procured by NWBioSpecimen.

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Radiologic evidence that hypothalamic gliosis is associated with obesity and insulin resistance

November 25, 2015 in Publications, Brain

Ellen Schur and Kenneth Maravilla’s research group in the UW Medicine Departments of General Internal Medicine and Epidemiology recently used Digital Pathology services at the Pathology Digital Imaging Core Facility to quantify glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) staining in autopsy brain specimens.

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Multisite assessment of NIA-AA guidelines for the neuropathologic evaluation of Alzheimer’s disease

October 01, 2015 in Publications, Brain

A research collaboration between 10 National Institute on Aging AD Centers, led by principle investigator Thomas Montine (UW Medicine Department of Pathology), utilized digital pathology services at the UW Pathology Digital Imaging Core Facility to perform part of a multisite neuropathologic evaluation of AD cases.

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Inferring clonal composition from multiple sections of a breast cancer

July 10, 2014 in Publications, Breast

Dr. Anthony Blau extensively used NWSpecimen resources for prospectively collecting breast cancer biospecimens for analyzing the clonal composition of tumors. Dr. Blau’s lab preformed exome and deep sequencing on tumor subsections and developed algorithms that predict clonal relationships in breast cancer.

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Elevated hyaluronan and hyaluronan-mediated motility receptor associated with biochemical failure

March 25, 2014 in Publications, Prostate

Dr. Stephen Schmechel collaborated with Dr. James McCarthy at the University of Minnesota to analyze hyaluronan pathway related members in intermediate-grade prostate cancer biospecimens.

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