Information for Researchers

Priorities for Specimen Allocation

Specimen Use Advisory Committee (SUACs)

Advisors from selected disease interest groups guide the prioritization of NWBioSpecimen distributions use under the direction of the NW BioTrust and NWBioSpecimen Governance Committee.

NWBioSpecimen Priorities for Specimen Allocation

  1. Active clinical trial with direct implications for patient care 
  2. Nationally funded, peer-reviewed (NIH, etc.) project (internal PI)
  3. Institutionally funded, peer-reviewed (such as internal grant competitions, etc.) project to generate preliminary data for subsequent grant applications (funding through internal PI budget)
  4. Institutionally funded, non-peer-reviewed (such as startup monies) project to generate preliminary data for subsequent grant applications (funding through internal PI budget)
  5. Funded internal biorepository additions in anticipation of future research projects (internal budget)
  6. Contract research with external entities (internal PI)
  7. Nationally funded, peer-reviewed (NIH, etc.) project (external PI)
  8. Institutionally funded project (funded through external PI budget)
  9. Contract research with external entities (external PI)
  10. Funded external biorepository additions in anticipation of future research projects (external budget)