Information for Researchers

How to Get Started

Projects progress through several steps:

  1. Inquiry about services.
  2. Determination of project feasibility based on clinical parameters.
  3. Study registration
  4. Development of a project Statement of Work and Budget.
  5. Final applicable approvals, including Specimen Use Advisory Group prioritization.
  6. Conduct of work.
  7. Invoicing per Budget.

Get the ball rolling by CONTACTING US with a general description of your project and inquiring about our services.

Research Guides


*  These forms are intended for use by internal (UW, FH, and SCCA) users.

 These forms require an active UW NetID login to view.

External Clients

A signed Goods & Services Agreement (G&SA) with University of Washington's terms in place before we can provide services to external clients. A 'boilerplate' G&SA is available upon request. Once a G&SA is in place we may provide services for multiple and ongoing requests/SOWs.