Alliance for Pandemic Preparedness

November 30, 2020

Which Policies Most Effectively Reduce SARS-CoV-2 Transmission in Schools



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[Pre-print, not peer-reviewed] An evaluation of policies to reduce in-school SARS-CoV-2 transmission in New York City public schools simulated that the greatest reductions in transmission could be achieved through infection control measures (mask wearing, physical distancing, good indoor ventilation, hand washing); further reductions could be achieved through small rotating class cohorts, widespread testing at the start of the week, and daily symptom screening, and self-isolation. Randomly testing 10-20% of school attendees did not have a strong effect on reducing transmission. 

Bershteyn et al. (Nov 27, 2020). Which Policies Most Effectively Reduce SARS-CoV-2 Transmission in Schools. Pre-print downloaded Nov. 30 from