Alliance for Pandemic Preparedness
March 4, 2021
COVID-19 in Youth Soccer During Summer 2020. Journal of Athletic Training
Category: Article Summary
Topic: Public Health Policy and Practice
Keywords (Tags): children, sports
- US youth soccer clubs reported a relatively low incidence of COVID-19 among their players in a retrospective cohort study of 119 US youth soccer clubs representing 91,007 players with a median duration of 73 days since restarting group activities. Soccer players reported a 49% lower incidence than children nationally over the same time period (254 vs 477 cases per 100,000). After adjusting for local COVID-19 incidence, there was no relationship between club COVID-19 incidence and phase of return. Clubs reported using a median of 8 COVID-19 risk reduction strategies. [EDITORIAL NOTE: A Pre-print related to this manuscript was summarized on September 28, 2020]
Watson et al. (Mar 3, 2021). COVID-19 in Youth Soccer During Summer 2020. Journal of Athletic Training.