Alliance for Pandemic Preparedness
June 7, 2021
Comparative Household Secondary Attack Rates Associated with B.1.1.7 B.1.351 and P.1 SARS-CoV-2 Variants
Category: Article Summary
Topic: Transmission
Keywords (Tags): transmission, variant
- [Pre-print, not peer-reviewed] A study conducted in Ontario, Canada found that household secondary attack rates were 20.2% for wild-type, 25.1% for B.1.1.7, 27.2% for B.1.351 or P.1, and 23.3% for non-variants of concern (VOC) mutations in SARS-CoV-2. Cases were grouped into households based on reported residential address: 7,555 (28%) were wild-type, 17,058 (63%) were B.1.1.7, 1674 (6%) were B.1.351 or P.1, and 601 (2%) were non-VOC mutations. In adjusted analyses, index cases infected with the B.1.1.7, B.1.351, and P.1 VOC had the highest transmissibility (B.1.1.7 aOR = 1.5, B.1.351 or P.1 aOR = 1.6).
Brown et al. (June 4, 2021). Comparative Household Secondary Attack Rates Associated with B.1.1.7 B.1.351 and P.1 SARS-CoV-2 Variants. Pre-print downloaded Jun 7 from