Alliance for Pandemic Preparedness

February 17, 2021

Characteristics of SARS-CoV-2 Transmission among Meat Processing Workers in Nebraska, USA, and Effectiveness of Risk Mitigation Measures



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There was a 19% COVID-19 attack rate (n=5,002 cases) among Nebraska meat processing workers during April 1–July 31, 2020. After implementing universal masking and physical barrier interventions, 8 of 13 facilities showed a statistically significant reduction in COVID-19 incidence in less than 10 days. While 67% of cases occurred among workers who identified as Hispanic or Latino ethnicity, they constituted 73% of hospitalizations, 78% of ICU admissions, and 86% of deaths. Male workers comprised 58% of confirmed case-patients, but represented 72% of hospitalizations, 78% of ICU admissions, and 81% of deaths.

Herstein et al. (Feb 16, 2021). Characteristics of SARS-CoV-2 Transmission among Meat Processing Workers in Nebraska, USA, and Effectiveness of Risk Mitigation Measures. Emerging Infectious Diseases.