Service and Global Partnerships

Service is at the core of the PECC-Kenya mission and working through global partnerships is fundamental to how we operate. Through our Pediatric Emergency and Critical Care Fellowship Program, we are providing information and networking resources for pediatric emergency and critical care medicine in low-resource settings and opportunities to become involved in PECC-Kenya as trainees and trainers. 

Our Objectives:

  1. Develop and maintain a global network for Pediatric Emergency and Critical Care systems. We have conducted outreach to partners around the world and already have hundreds of physicians on our list of trainers ready to participate and train PECC-Kenya Fellows.
  2. Support PECC-Kenya fellowship graduates in developing and maintaining Pediatric Emergency and Critical Care systems at their home institutions.
  3. Establish liaisons with key organizations such as: WHO, Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM), World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies (WFPICCS), the African Federation for Emergency Medicine, and local partners including Kenya Paediatric Association (KPA) and Kenya Paediatric Nurses’ Chapter (KPNC).

Contact us at if you wish to inquire about the program as a future trainee or if you are interested in participating as a visiting content expert and trainer in Kenya.