Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Genetic, Physiological, and Immunological Differences between Spring Chinook Salmon Reared in Two Different Water Sources

Project ID: 01004HS004

Federal Agency: U.S. Geological Survey

Partner Institution: University of Idaho

Fiscal Year: 2004

Initial Funding: $20,000

Total Funding: $20,000

Project Type: Research

Project Disciplines: Biological

Principal Investigator: Powell, Madison

Agreement Technical Representative: Maule, Alec

Abstract: The UI Aquaculture Research Institute, in collaboration with USGS-BRD Columbia River Research Laboratory Staff, will produce and analyze microsatellite data from spring chinook salmon reared in groundwater and surface water. The project was designed to test effects of the hatchery (groundwater) and wild (surface water) rearing environments on development and survival in juvenile salmonids.