Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Ecology of Upper Klamath Lake Shortnose and Lost River Suckers

Project ID: 2-FG-81-0813

Federal Agency: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation

Partner Institution: Oregon State University

Fiscal Year: 2006

Initial Funding: $319,194

Total Funding: $319,194

Project Type: Research

Project Disciplines: Biological

Principal Investigator: Markle, Douglas

Agreement Technical Representative: Piaskowski, Richard

Abstract: Project attempts to understand the environmental variables responsible for variation mortality in early life stages of Lost River and shortnose suckers to implement the draft, “Monitoring plan for larval and juvenile suckers in Upper Klamath lake.” Goals are to monitor: (1) long-term trends in relative abundance of suckers and other fishes, (2) effects of restoration/management on suckers and other fishes, and (3) recovery of suckers. The plan is intended to uncover long-term patterns which can be used to explore biological processes behind the patterns, to evaluate restoration, and to inform management decisions. The plan is further based on sampling the year class during daylight with multiple gears that target particular sizes or life stages on a three-week schedule in the lake. The schedule allows for cohort growth to avoid “double counting” of cohorts and to avoid exceeding negotiated take on permits. Our primary analytical approach is to identify the suite of environmental factors responsible for contraining survivorship at specific points in the first summer of life.