Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Examine a subset of a population of the Hawaiian duck, or Koloa maoli, living in and around Hanalei and Hule’ia National Wildlife Refuges (NWR) on Kaua’i.

Project ID: F12AC00760

Federal Agency: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Partner Institution: Oregon State University

Fiscal Year: 2012

Initial Funding: $34,428

Total Funding: $34,428

Principal Investigator: Dugger, Bruce

Agreement Technical Representative: Hoskins, Jenny

Abstract: Examine a subset of a population of the Hawaiian duck, or Koloa maoli, living in and around Hanalei and Hule-ia national Wildlife Refuges (NWR) on Kaua’i. Assess the physical condition of the animals and collect samples to screen for known important pathogens and environmental contaminants.