Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Field Test of Plants and Fungi on Bioretention Performance Over Time

Project ID: F16AC00305

Federal Agency: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Partner Institution: Washington State University

Fiscal Year: 2016

Initial Funding: $369,100

Total Funding: $369,100

Abstract: Funds under this award are to be used to evaluate the effects of plants and fungi on toxicity, water
4uality and hydraulic properties of bioretention cells. The project will gain knowledge of whether plants and fungi help to remediate stormwater pollutants and nutrients. The project will also help gain a better Understanding of the fate of pollutants in soils, plant, and fungal tissue. By studying the hydraulic properties over time the project can determine if plants or fungi affect the hydraulic conductivity or the water holding capacity of the bioretention soil mix. These results will help to estimate the lifetime of a pioretention cell (see proposal for more details).

The Service Will:
• Support and assist in the fulfillment ofthe field test of plants and fungi on bioretention performance over time study objectives listed in the proposal by providing an investigational scientist and technician to help accomplish the tasks listed in the scope of work. Assist in the design and execution of the field test of plants and fungi on bioretention performance over time both in the laboratory and hatchery/field experiments as well as assist with data collection, data analysis, and report writing.
• Assist in meetings with various entities on issues pertaining to the field test of plants and fungi on bioretention performance over time study.
• Assist in the preparation of written materials, manuscripts, and documentation for the field test o plants anfungi on bioretention performance over time study, including materials for
professional presentations and conferences as well as outreach and educational materials.
• Provide technical and field/laboratory assistance as otherwise needed for the field test of plants and fungi on bioretention performance over time study and review reports generated by the recipient.