Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Ice2O: Assessing Icefield-to-Ocean Change in the PCTR

Project ID: G15AC00127

Federal Agency: U.S. Geological Survey

Partner Institution: University of Alaska Southeast

Fiscal Year: 2015

Initial Funding: $35,875

Total Funding: $35,875

Principal Investigator: Hood, Eran

Agreement Technical Representative: O'Neel, Shad

Abstract: The objective of Ice2O is to integrate observations from multiple data sets within different disciplines to quantitatively describe glacier-forced change in the PCTR hydrologic cycle. This project will provide tools to enhance science-based management of the PCTR ecosystem. In particular, Ice2O will target the following key project objectives: (1) Integrate key cryospheric and hydrological datasets to better quantify water fluxes through the PCTR; (2) Perform sensitivity experiments to assess basin-scale to regional hydrological response to climate forcing and associated glacier change; and (3) Begin building data visualization tools for glacier-driven changes in ice coverage and hydrology in the PCTR.