Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Land Conveyance Process Customer Satisfaction Survey

Project ID: HAF033H01

Federal Agency: Bureau of Land Management

Partner Institution: University of Alaska Anchorage

Fiscal Year: 2003

Initial Funding: $0

Total Funding: $0

Project Type: Technical Assistance

Project Disciplines: Social

Principal Investigator: Colt, Steve

Agreement Technical Representative: Lockwood, Max

Abstract: There is pending legislation that if passed will allow for the conveyance of land to approximately 210 Native American Corporations in Alaska. If passed, this conveyance will take place 4 years earlier than originally planned. In order to get objective feedback on whether the corporations are satisfied with the administrative processes used by the BLM for this conveyance, UAA has been asked to construct and conduct a satisfaction survey on the process.