Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Development of sampling designs for long-term monitoring protocols for the Klamath, Mojave, Sierra Nevada, Upper Columbia Basin Network

Project ID: J8W07060004

Federal Agency: National Park Service

Partner Institution: University of Idaho

Fiscal Year: 2006

Initial Funding: $105,000

Total Funding: $498,725

Project Type: Technical Assistance

Project Disciplines: Biological

National Park: Pacific West Region I-M multi networks

Principal Investigator: Garton, Oz

Agreement Technical Representative: Garrett, Lisa

Abstract: The funding provided supports National Park Service (NPS) collaboration with a postdoctoral statistician/biometrician/quantitative ecologist and a supervisory professor. The postdoctoral fellow will collaborate with the NPS Inventory & Monitoring (I&M) Network Coordinators in four Networks (Klamath, Mojave, Sierra Nevada, Upper Columbia Basin) to design sampling designs and strategies for long term monitoring multiple vital signs of condition of parks with respect to plant and forest communities, aquatic systems, fisheries, wildlife and ecosystem dynamics. The sampling designs for vital signs will be incorporated into protocols that will comply with NPS I&M Program standards (including but not limited to those outlined in Oakley et al. 2003), and will include all necessary information for the Networks to successfully implement and sustain a long-term monitoring program of designated vital signs. All parties involved in this Task Agreement, understand that the University of Idaho is responsible for completion of sampling designs, including professionally written accompanying narratives and relevant standard operating procedures that are ready for academic peer-review. The Klamath / Mojave / Sierra Nevada / Upper Columbia Basin Networks agrees to support the cooperator by providing all available relevant information requested by the University of Idaho in a timely fashion, scheduling and completing internal “benchmark” reviews, providing edits and comments in a timely manner, and by facilitating site visits and field work (i.e. arranging park staff field assistance). The Klamath / Mojave / Sierra Nevada / Upper Columbia Basin Networks will provide program guidance and writing assistance for sections of the narrative and standard operating procedures.
(Cross-listed by NPS as J8W07060005).
