Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Replace deep-water weather buoy mooring and anchor in Crater Lake

Project ID: J8W07060012

Federal Agency: National Park Service

Partner Institution: Oregon State University

Fiscal Year: 2006

Initial Funding: $6,372

Total Funding: $6,372

Project Type: Technical Assistance

Project Disciplines: Physical

National Park: Crater Lake National Park

Principal Investigator: Collier, Robert

Agreement Technical Representative: Girdner, Scott

Abstract: Oregon State University, in cooperation with Crater Lake National Park, maintains a year-round floating weather buoy in the deepest part of Crater Lake to study the impact of climate on lake ecology. The mooring line below 60 feet and the anchor system that secures the weather buoy has been in place without maintenance or inspection for over 16 years. The mooring is well past due for replacement given the rusting and wearing of metal components in water and the extreme weather conditions the mooring is subject to on a year-round basis. Personnel from the College of Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences at Oregon State will assist with design of the new mooring and anchor components. They will also assist with on-site retrieval of the old mooring and deployment of the new.