Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Estimating population size of humpback whales in southeast Alaska using modified mark-recapture models from a long-term sighting database of individually identified whales.

Project ID: J8W07070001

Federal Agency: National Park Service

Partner Institution: University of Alaska Southeast

Fiscal Year: 2007

Initial Funding: $8,676

Total Funding: $8,676

Project Type: Research

Project Disciplines: Biological

National Park: Alaska Region

Principal Investigator: Straley, Jan

Agreement Technical Representative: Gende, Scott

Abstract: Utilize photos from surveys of humpback whales in northern southeastern Alaska (primarily, Sitka Sound, Fredrick Sound, and Glacier Bay/Icy Strait) collected since 1993 to create a long term sighting history database of individually identified whales. The database will then be utilized to estimate the population size, via modified mark-recapture models, of humpback whales in northern Southeast Alaska by the NPS and partners at R2 Resource Consultants.
