Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Developing an Air Contaminants Research and Monitoring Strategy for the Sierra Nevada-Southern Cascades Region

Project ID: J8W07100019

Federal Agency: National Park Service

Partner Institution: Oregon State University

Fiscal Year: 2010

Initial Funding: $17,066

Total Funding: $17,066

Project Type: Research

Project Disciplines: Physical

National Park: Pacific West Region

Principal Investigator: Simonich, Staci

Agreement Technical Representative: Blett, Tamara

Abstract: This is a collaborative project to develop a toxic air contaminants research and monitoring strategy for the Sierra Nevada-Southern Cascades (SNSC) region, and to compile information to inform managers and the public about conditions and trends, both spatially and temporally, of toxic air contaminants and associated sensitive receptors. The project will be implemented through a collaboration between the National Park Service (NPS) and a Principal Investigator (PI) at Oregon State University (OSU), a Co-PI at San Francisco State University (SFSU) and the SNSC Air Contaminants Research and Monitoring Strategy Steering Committee. This project seeks to compile, assess and summarize existing databases and information on deposition and accumulation of toxic air contaminants in ecosystems of the SNSC region. Based on existing data and GIS maps of sensitive resources, project collaborators will develop a toxic air contaminants research and monitoring strategy that includes the following: 1) identification and prioritization of appropriately scaled research and monitoring needs for toxic air contaminants with associated funding plan, 2) identification of the most sensitive ecological end points affected by these contaminants, and 3) identification of outreach and education products and messages to inform the public, agencies, and regulators about the existing threats to natural resources and human health resulting from the deposition and accumulation of toxic air contaminants. SFSU will provide expertise to compile and document geospatial datasets, conduct geospatial analysis and modeling and prepare written material – all in support of a SNSC toxic air contaminants research and monitoring strategy. OSU has the overall lead for preparation of the strategy document and is participating in this collaboration through this Task Agreement.
