Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Natural Resource Condition Assessments for Crater Lake National Park, Lassen Volcanic National Park, and Lava Beds National Monument

Project ID: J8W07100032

Federal Agency: National Park Service

Partner Institution: Southern Oregon University

Fiscal Year: 2010

Initial Funding: $200,000

Total Funding: $225,000

Project Type: Research

Project Disciplines: Biological

National Park: Klamath Network Inventory & Monitoring

Principal Investigator: Jones, Greg

Agreement Technical Representative: Watson, Alicia

Abstract: This project will produce natural resource condition assessments for three parks in the Klamath Vital Signs Monitoring Network, including Crater Lake National Park (CRLA), Lassen Volcanic National Park (LAVO), and Lava Beds National Monument (LABE). Through compilation and synthesis of existing scientific data, information from multiple sources, and expert judgment from an interdisciplinary team of specialists, this project will characterize the conditions of park biological and physical resources at appropriate scale(s); define threats and stress factors and their relationship to identified resources; identify critical data gaps; and suggest data collection or resource investigations to address those gaps. Resource conditions, threats, and stressor factors will be evaluated and depicted spatially (as possible) to facilitate use of project findings in a wide variety of park decision and planning processes, including park reporting to the Department of Interior’s Strategic Plan land health goals. A final assessment report for each of the three parks will assist in identifying potential gaps in resource management knowledge. These gaps will contribute directly in assisting park management teams with developing improved planning documents that deal directly with visitor use services.
