Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Analyzing Front-Country Social Trails Data from Lava Beds National Monument

Project ID: J8W07100047

Federal Agency: National Park Service

Partner Institution: Oregon Institute of Technology

Fiscal Year: 2010

Initial Funding: $26,783

Total Funding: $26,783

Project Type: Technical Assistance

Project Disciplines: Social

National Park: Lava Beds National Monument

Principal Investigator: Wittmer, Carrie

Agreement Technical Representative: Larson, David

Abstract: Through recent surveys and reports, Lava Beds National Monument (LABE) has identified informal or “social” trails as significant threats to resource preservation at the monument. The negative impacts of social trails and similarly, poorly maintained trails, have been well documented regarding resources of national parks. At LABE, social trails are associated with high levels of resource disturbance near lava cave entrances, providing inappropriate access to sensitive archeological sites, and the trampling of susceptible arid plant species. The presence and increased use of social trails at LABE has created a need to change trail management at LABE. In this project, the Oregon Institute of Technology (OIT) will collaborate with National Park Service staff at LABE to begin mitigating this issue by mapping social trails, documenting the severity of their impacts, and analyzing visitor behaviors to support immediate management needs. This project will also complement the establishment of LABE’s first Trail Management Plan. The project will occur in three phases: I) data collection; II) data processing and analysis; and III) documentation of final results and determinations. There are eight primary survey units within LABE, totaling 510 acres that will be the principle areas of concern for this project. Deliverables will include the creation of GIS layers and metadata, consultation with LABE staff on the results, and development of a final report on social trails within LABE. The resulting maps, data, and reports will be publicly available as site bulletins, pamphlets and signs that discuss impacts of social trails within LABE.
