Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Analysis of Persistent Cave Ice Resources for Lava Beds National Monument

Project ID: J8W07100050

Federal Agency: National Park Service

Partner Institution: Oregon State University

Fiscal Year: 2010

Initial Funding: $5,020

Total Funding: $5,020

Project Type: Research

Project Disciplines: Physical

National Park: Lava Beds National Monument

Principal Investigator: Brook, Edward

Agreement Technical Representative: Watson, Alicia

Abstract: Lava Beds National Monument (LABE) has perhaps the most celebrated caves containing ice in the United States. Previously 33 caves in the monument were known to contain persistent ice resources. Now, many are losing or have completely lost their ice resources. This is a collaborative project to conduct an analysis of these resources, allowing LABE to better understand the rarity and resource value of persistent cave ice and improve the ability to monitor and manage these fragile cave resources. Ice core samples will be collected from priority caves, along with site and sample descriptions, including core depth and core characteristics. Various assessments of these cores will then be conducted to determine liquid conductivity and other features. Stable isotopic analysis and carbon 14 dating (of organic material) will also be conducted. A final report will be produced that summarizes the project results and provides management recommendations regarding the preservation of ice resources. The results will assist NPS, other land management agencies, and the public in developing cave ice conservation measures.
