Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Improving the Natural Resources Information System (NRInfo) Records and Holdings for Alaska’s Parks

Project ID: J8W07110006

Federal Agency: National Park Service

Partner Institution: University of Alaska Anchorage

Fiscal Year: 2011

Initial Funding: $99,991

Total Funding: $99,991

Project Type: Technical Assistance

Project Disciplines: Interdisciplinary

National Park: Alaska Region I-M multi networks

Principal Investigator: Braund-Allen, Juli

Agreement Technical Representative: Wesser, Sara

Abstract: The Inventory and Monitoring Program of the National Park Service has made a long-term commitment to improving the access to historic documents pertaining to natural resources of all the parks in Alaska. This provides needed historic background information critical for more complete inventory of our natural heritage in our Alaskan parks. Additionally, scanning and organizing these documents into an online location, such as provided by the Natural Resources Information System (NRInfo), provides a permanent location for everyone to be able to access these documents now and into the future. Currently there are hundreds of duplicate records and many citations that are incomplete. This is a collaborative project to clean up duplicate entries, clean existing citations, provide a best management document to NPS natural resource staff to reduce errors in the future, and provide hundreds of new citations and electronic documents to the Alaska Resources Library and Information Services (ARLIS) at the University of Alaska Anchorage. The public benefits of the project include improved quality and access to these historic reports via the NRInfo portal (most records here will be available to the public) and via ARLIS.
