Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Identification of rare plant populations within fuel reduction areas at Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area

Project ID: J9W88040011

Federal Agency: National Park Service

Partner Institution: University of Idaho

Fiscal Year: 2004

Initial Funding: $12,000

Total Funding: $12,000

Project Type: Technical Assistance

Project Disciplines: Biological

National Park: Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area

Principal Investigator: Wright, Gerry

Agreement Technical Representative: Weaver, Jerald

Abstract: The work proposed under this task agreement will enhance an ongoing National Park Service plant inventory for noxious weeds and plant species of special concern at Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area in northeast Washington. This project will utilize GIS mapping techniques to locate rare plant populations in proposed fuel reduction areas; plant species of interest are identified in Tables 1& 2 in the original proposal included as Attachment II of the agreement.