Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Process Lake Temperature Data and Assist with Weather Web Site Development

Project ID: J9W88050009

Federal Agency: National Park Service

Partner Institution: Oregon State University

Fiscal Year: 2005

Initial Funding: $17,850

Total Funding: $17,850

Project Type: Technical Assistance

Project Disciplines: Physical

National Park: Crater Lake National Park

Principal Investigator: Collier, Robert

Agreement Technical Representative: Girdner, Scott

Abstract: This work involves two projects. 1) Extensive Crater Lake temperature measurements have been consistently recorded over thirteen years associated with global climate change research. The detailed temperature data is critical in that it provides the only available measure of deep water mixing. This project will convert the data into a readily usable format for use by the park monitoring program and cooperating researchers.
2). Weather Web Site Development will result in a central web site for near-real-time weather data from three existing weather stations at Crater Lake National Park. This project will provide the Western Regional Climate Center (WRCC) staff the necessary information to provide remote dial-up access to the three existing weather stations so that near-real-time data can be provided on the WRCC web site. The WRCC will be provided the necessary background on data layout and calculations for proper processing of data and will be provided past archived data (1991-2004) for inclusion in the WRCC web site. The web site will provide remote and immediate access to park specific near-real-time weather conditions, both near the caldera rim and on the lake itself, for both the visiting public and park management. Numerous park operations and services for the general public would benefit. Crater Lake weather data available at WRCC website
