Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Community & Visitor Use Plan for Silver Salmon Creek, Phase I

Project ID: J9W88050013

Federal Agency: National Park Service

Partner Institution: Alaska Department of Fish and Game

Fiscal Year: 2005

Initial Funding: $8,650

Total Funding: $8,650

Project Type: Research

Project Disciplines: Social

National Park: Lake Clark National Park and Preserve

Principal Investigator: Matt, Colleen

Agreement Technical Representative: Jacobson, Cindy

Abstract: Silver Salmon Creek is a tiny community on the coast of Lake Clark National Park & Preserve where over 2,000 visitors came last year to sport fish and view the many brown bears that walk among the anglers. Visitation has increased 44% in the past three years, and all-terrain-vehicle (ATV) trails are proliferating. NPS staff wish to involve the community and visitors in a planning process to resolve issues of mutual concern. This proposal covers Phase I of a two phase planning project. The first phase will involve scoping issues and planning designs. The investigators will accomplish the following: 1) co-develop an interview guide to delineate issues for Silver Salmon Creek (SSC) residents & businesses; 2) Contact SSC residents & businesses to set up informal interviews; 3) visit the remote community to conduct informal interviews; 4) conduct informal phone interviews of SSC residents and business owners that are unavailable for in-person interviews; 5) draft post-interview results; 6) discuss draft results and develop recommendations for community planning to resolve
issues; 7) produce in-house summary of interview results and recommendations for community/park planning.
