Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Iceberg Point Cultural Field School

Project ID: L16AC00305

Federal Agency: Bureau of Land Management

Partner Institution: Central Washington University

Fiscal Year: 2016

Initial Funding: $20,000

Total Funding: $20,000

Project Type: Education

Project Disciplines: Cultural

National Park: San Juan Island National Historic Park

Principal Investigator: McCutcheon, Patrick

Agreement Technical Representative: Bailey, Rich

Abstract: Objective(s): The overall objective of a field school is to collect data that would identify important cultural properties and benefit future management of BLM administered lands at Iceberg Point in the San Juan Islands National Monument. Specific objectives would include but not be limited to:
1. Identification of important cultural resources and values through intensive inventory of approximately 100 acres of BLM administered land;
2. Completion of site and isolated find records for any cultural resources identified by the investigation;
3. Completion of a professional report of investigation that would describe the cultural, historical, and ethnographic background and environmental overview for the project area, methods used for identification of cultural resources, results of the investigation, provide National Register eligibility recommendations, and recommendations for future management of the cultural properties;
4. Submission of completed site and isolated find records meeting BLM and Washington
Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation standards;
5. Education and training for field school students;
6. Involvement and participation of members of local Native American tribes and communities in the field school.