Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

ORWA CESU Conservation Assessment Guide for Sensitive Fungi

Project ID: L19AC00077

Federal Agency: Bureau of Land Management

Partner Institution: Oregon State University

Fiscal Year: 2019

Initial Funding: $37,672

Total Funding: $37,672

Abstract: Objective(s): This project will help identify habitat restoration opportunities for rare fungi species, help facilitate conservation of these species, and provide the public with additional information including additional viewing opportunities.
Federal Award Performance Goals

A Conservation Assessment for 30 SLM-designated sensitive fungi would be developed and made public on the ISSSSP website, including identification of conservation stewardship and habitat management and restoration opportunities.

a) Gather and review all existing data and materials
b) Update current document and associated materials
c) Provide draft product to experts and BLM staff for their review; address comments, incorporate new info
d) Provide final products