Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

OR/WA Oregon Flora – Plant Diversity

Project ID: L20AC00280

Federal Agency: Bureau of Land Management

Partner Institution: Oregon State University

Fiscal Year: 2020

Initial Funding: $30,000

Total Funding: $30,000

Principal Investigator: Hardison, Linda

Agreement Technical Representative: Carter, Susan

Abstract: Objective(s): This project would result in the completion of the last volume of the three-volume Flora of Oregon and further development of a website for use by BLM and the public alike. This project would help the BLM meet the strategic goal of enhancing our conservation legacy by making the most current Oregon plant taxonomy and range available to everyone. This information would be used to meet our objectives for special status species and our requirements under the National Environmental Policy Act. The Oregon Flora website would enhance recreation on public lands by increasing scientific literacy and an awareness and appreciation of the rich biological resources under BLM management.